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Community Update - 2/20/06

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  • #76
    Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

    Originally posted by Focker
    I'm so sick of people saying this engine sucks and EA/DICE sucks. All you're doing is showing your own stupidity. The BF2 engine is simply amazing. Show me one game that plays as smooth as BF2 and looks as smooth as BF2 and has as big of OUTDOOR maps as BF2 with as many people and as many vehicles.
    Simple answer:
    UT2004 (or soon UT2007) and they even release beta patches and FREE content! Imagine this...! And they still make some big $$ because they are so confident in their engine that it can be licensed... and if I remembered right: they removed the copyprotection from UT2004 since the first patch because they realized that it is silly to use a copyprotection when there is a serial system to play online and kept some $$ for maintaining this useless ****.
    These are just some examples how it could be... but DiCE was bought by EA not by Epic (sadly).


    • #77
      Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

      Originally posted by Godspeed
      Delay - Right, how i forgot, its EA and Dice
      They dont fix real problems like own teammates name tags are red sometimes etc
      Excuse me but the fact that my game won't even run seems to be a real problem.


      • #78
        Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

        Originally posted by Focker
        I'm so sick of people saying this engine sucks and EA/DICE sucks. All you're doing is showing your own stupidity. The BF2 engine is simply amazing. Show me one game that plays as smooth as BF2 and looks as smooth as BF2 and has as big of OUTDOOR maps as BF2 with as many people and as many vehicles.
        I would never say the work they have done making the game is bad.

        But the support is shocking.

        The community really isnt asking for much, some of the fixes are rediculously simple - the server browser for instance.

        People's perspectives get a bit squewed on these topics, please dont forget - EA will have made $Millions from their BF2 customers.

        If a piece of software in a business market had this many basic & fixable flaws they simply wouldnt be in business.

        I'm just frustrated because something SO NEARLY perfect is seemingly abandoned by the creator - I think it's quite clearly the EA $Profit Machine.

        If there's a competitor just around the corner, EA will be in huge trouble - simply for not making ANY effort.

        MOD's give better support than EA - THAT'S WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



        • #79
          Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

          ONLY 52,000 players at one time?
          Even CS has more players than that at any given moment.
          There goes to the hypothesis of everyone saying "BF2 is more popular than CS".


          • #80
            Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

            Originally posted by Jofaba
            You turned that into your signature already? I hope some qoute by me never turns into someones sig. Then my idiocy will travel further than the thread it was intended for...

            Making fun of myself more then you bigpappa so please don't kill me =P

            lol there u go buddy :laugh: :laugh:


            • #81
              Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

              Originally posted by Focker
              I'm so sick of people saying this engine sucks and EA/DICE sucks. All you're doing is showing your own stupidity. The BF2 engine is simply amazing. Show me one game that plays as smooth as BF2 and looks as smooth as BF2 and has as big of OUTDOOR maps as BF2 with as many people and as many vehicles.
              UM...Half Life 2 perhaps?


              • #82
                Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

                Originally posted by Di@blokruse
                UM...Half Life 2 perhaps?
                Hl2 maps=small (except highway 17) compared to BF2, but thats not saying Bf2 enignes is better thans Vavle's. There completley different.


                • #83
                  Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

                  [quote='-[GNW]- Bumblino']Havent you got a copy of 1942??? He he

                  I played DC last night and had more fun than I've ever had in BF2.

                  Man the SU25 is such a beautiful aero model.... feels incredible to fly....

                  actually i do have a copy of 1942, however there is never anyone on the servers and single gets boring.


                  • #84
                    Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

                    1. CS is cheaper
                    2. CS is more established
                    3. CS has been out since what, '99 or 2000?
                    I don't know if BF2 is more propular tyhan CS, that's a lie, but in my opinion BF2 is better. And also, CS: Source is a freaking ripoff, especially if you have 1.6, its the same crap with ebtter graphics and what really matters is the gameplay. Day of Defeat source is even more of a ripoff as it only has 4 maps. 4 maps!!!!!


                    • #85
                      Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

                      Originally posted by silverdust1925
                      relax guys, everyone deserves a second chance esp. when they realised their mistake. Just wait patiently and see what happens then.
                      how many patches does it take to run out of second chances?

                      Frankly when you release a game it should be right the first time... I.E. quake3 the only reason they released patches was to upgrade the ability for new technology.... quake3 only make it to 1.32 and that was after 2 years of bug free online was released to the public in 2000
                      ("Game of the Year" - PC Accelerator- 2000 )

                      Quake III 1.32 Released for Win32 and Linux - Oct.7.2002

                      AND LOOK ALL THE FIXES WERE FOR NEW TECH..NOT FOR BAD PROGRAMMING (IE. mouse wheel and for an anti cheat punkbuster)

                      We have made available Quake III v1.32 which fixes some bugs and addresses some exploits in online play.
                      Windows Fixes:
                      • new network protocol, 68
                      • network code: improved fragmented messages handling map change while client loads map no longer causes an 'Invalid .PK3' error map_restart while client loads map no longer causes a reload fixing donedl being ignored after autodl if map_restart'ed
                      • the demo command has a list of compatible protocols, it will loop through 66 67 68 you can do '/demo four' and it will try four.dm_66 four.dm_67 four.dm_68 or you can explicitely give a '/demo demoname.dm_??'
                      • added mousewheel support in the console: wheel to scroll, ctrl+wheel to scroll faster, shift+wheel to scroll history
                      • UI in baseq3/ and missionpack/ for PunkBuster configuration punkbuster server in server creation dialog (sv_punkbuster) punkbuster client in server browser (cl_punkbuster) added PB Yes/No to the browsers
                      • removed obsolete MPlayer UI stuff
                      • bumped server browser to handle up to 4096 servers
                      • IP maintained in userinfo
                      • cl_guid in userinfo (as part of PB integration)
                      • printing ports as unsigned ints, no longer printing negative port numbers
                      • cleaned up the legacy IP banning code use * for IP pattern matching now instead of 0 (fixes some confusion) ex: 192.246.12.* made it safe from overflowing and crashing NOTE: using PunkBuster's banning system is advised instead though
                      • rcon: some fixes to the buffering to avoid overflowing and dropping parts of the message
                      • rcon: now supports quoting /rcon g_motd "foo bar"
                      • added SVF_CLIENTMASK (0x00000002), works only with <= 32 players set bitmask of players to which send entity
                      • pushed cl_maxpackets upper limit to 125
                      • added [skipnotify] from RTCW, use to display in the console only, but not on client screen (also fixes pb_msgprefix and pb_sv_msgprefix)
                      • new cvar sv_lanForceRate (defaults 1): forces LAN clients to the maximum rate instead of accepting client setting (1 is the default behaviour, backward compatible)

                      FRANKLY THEY SHOULD ROLL BACK TO 1.12...or bring back the ability to have dogfights and toss c4...not jump and shoot, but jump and toss....its the only way to prevent armor whoring at spawn...at4 rocket is s**t

                      :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:


                      • #86
                        Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

                        Ok, first off, lets get this out of the way so that everyone is on the same level. Yes, i Rarely post here, but i do browse here frequently because I like listening in on all the drama. I have however been playing since the game came out, and am ranked 4000 on the global list, (Compare Cartire if you dont believe me), and this isnt to brag but just to show you that I have been here for it all and seen it all.

                        To start, A good portion of everyone here is niave. You all complain on how EA and DICE dont listen to the "Community" . How a majority of everyone all thinks the same. First off, the stats.

                        -There are at present time, 1.9 million registered users for BF2.
                        -In TOTALBF2, there are a total of 27,278 registered memebers.
                        -This equals to a whopping 1.4% of the "ACTUAL" BF2 community.
                        -Lets then equate the fact that active members for TBF2 are around 3,600
                        which then drops your percentage to 0.18% of the "ACTUAL" Community.
                        -Then we can also factor in that not all of you agree with one another, thus the constant flaming and bashing that goes on.

                        So in actuality, Less, then Tenth of a percent Argue for what you believe the entire rest of us are thinking and want.

                        DICE nor EA should give a crap about what you want or say, because you are nothing, you all are less then a percentage of the entire base, if you all stopped playing, every single one of you that bashes on DICE and EA, it still would not make a difference in their profit.

                        Most people get on forums to complain and vent their frustrations. If you like the game, you usually (not always) dont have a need to get on forums. So its not fair to say that becuase everyone here is venting that "EVERYONE" feels that way

                        So i Urge you to realize that anything DICE and EA does or does not do to help the game, is in no way needed. This is their game, and they have made lots of money off of it, which is what they wanted in the first place. I thank them everyday for releasing a product i enjoy, and gladly pay them the money they ask for.

                        "Just because someone doesn't want pickles on their cheeseburger, doesnt mean McDonald's is gonna stop putting them their."


                        • #87
                          Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

                          Cartire: I get what you're trying to say, but sadly your logic is off. You can't spout off numbers like they're cold hard facts. The simple unavoidable truth is that if you log into a server, you will experience any number of gameplay bugs. The more time you spend on servers playing, which means the more dedicated a player you are, which means the more likely you are to spend more money on the franchise; then the more likely that these bugs, which affect your peformance and ability to reach your top skill level, will annoy you.

                          A lot of what you say is true, which is why you'll see a lot of unhappy people posting here. That's all expected. And in fact, EA/DICE does care about what we think. Most of the larger and more popular servers are represented in this website. Also, the freely created mods will draw even more attention to the game and keep the franchise alive; all of which are represented on this website.

                          The EA website links to Why would they do that? Did GetPaid2Play pay them? I don't know, but the most likely reason is because all of the GetPaid2Play servers are ranked, and ensure that they will remain active money makers.

                          Why would they address the problems so fast? Why do they post to this website? Why would they give interviews to TBF2 every couple of weeks? It's obvious that , as a community, we're a HUGE aspect of what keeps BF2 alive. Without the extremely dedicated members here, there is no BF2. If you don't believe that then there's probably nothing I nor anyone else could do to help you realize that.

                          Don't think of us as a percentage of the whole. Think of us as the House of Representatives. We are of the people and for the people, so to speak. Well, I can't even say "we" because besides posting here I give nothing to the community, but the point remains.

                          As with any post here, yours is appreciated. I'm sure you'll get flamed (I don't think that's what I've done) but some of your points are valid. Just skewed slightly away from reality.


                          • #88
                            Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

                            Well it certainly is easy for a noname thats #4000 (big deal) come tell everyone here that their noone or nobodies. Your numbers are flawed actually,theres more people that paruse this site than actually take part in the forums.Also look around dude,every forum everywhere the centament is the same. You like numbers? well get acurate numbers,and get a clue while your at it.


                            • #89
                              Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

                              Originally posted by PSyGN0S|S
                              Well it certainly is easy for a noname thats #4000 (big deal) come tell everyone here that their noone or nobodies. Your numbers are flawed actually,theres more people that paruse this site than actually take part in the forums.Also look around dude,every forum everywhere the centament is the same. You like numbers? well get acurate numbers,and get a clue while your at it.
                              Numbers arnt flawed at all, number depict the amount of people that feel that they need to say something. Otherwise, browsing the site can be done by everyone for all i care, but it doesnt mean they have the same views as you.

                              On a quick ppoint to make for jofaba (Thank you by the way for not flaming and make valid arguments), I do to believe there are bugs that need to be fixed, and yes DICE has been quick to react to that, but, this is mainly because bugs exist. To actually improve on the game and make changes because the community wants them is different. If the game didnt have bugs to begin with, these other changes in the patches would not come out as rapidly, were talking if at all.

                              DICE is a major company that make many many games. There initiative is to make money. Marketing and CEO's and Board Members are worried about making money and not about pleasing everyone. If there numbers show good, thats all they see. Im sure theres a Programmer or Graphics Designer somewhere that has a passion for the game, but beyond that, its only numbers and $ signs to them.

                              My main pieve is when people dont understand that and believe that the game was made soley for them and have no understanding on why The big Companies arnt listening to the "Community"


                              • #90
                                Re: Community Update - 2/20/06

                                Originally posted by Cartire
                                *** Generally talked a load of poo ***
                                Just because you sit in bulletproof helo's all day raping the ass of the nearest most populated base doesnt make your comments any more relevant than the next man.

                                I bet you've never played 1942, because if you had, you would know how this game is supposed to be.

                                There isnt any value in the BF2 stats when there are flaws in the engine - because it's not skill that earns point, it's knowledge of the exploits and cheats. I'd put &#163;100 that's where your points came from, otherwise you'd want the game fixing too.

