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Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

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  • Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

    Continuing their media release week, the team behind the <a href="" target="_blank">Eve of Destruction</a> mod have posted up some new images today. This time around they have a vehicle to show as well as some more player models. Take a look:<blockquote>Today I'd like to start out by straying from the norm. that has been this past week. I'd like to show you guys pictures of the M152A2 ingame! Now that those have FINALLY been showed off lets get back to what this week has really been about. The soldiers! We'd like to show you guys some more NVA soldiers today.</blockquote><center><a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_jeep01.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_jeep02.jpg"></a><br><a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_78.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_16.jpg"></a></center><br>Be sure to visit their <a href="" target="_blank">site</a> to see the last player model image.

  • #2
    Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

    is it me or is it just low-res

    1st post 1st time of my life


    • #3
      Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

      I see that the EOD team are still releasing quality models and skins


      • #4
        Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

        I loved EOD for '42, but if this is all they're coming up with why not just stick with the '42 version?


        • #5
          Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

          Umm becuase that not just all? Remember graphics don't exactly make a mod, the gameplay does!


          • #6
            Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

            I say great job! It isn't easy to make a mod, and all of you bashing their work is just unneccessary. You can't bash it till you have done it! You don't like it, get over to their forums and help out! AND IF YOU HAVE READ ANY OF THEIR POSTS THEY SAY THESE ARE WORKS IN PROGRESS!!!! They are just letting the community in on what they are stop you whining and be happy we have another mod out there!


            • #7
              Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

              Originally posted by =hr=drayu
              I say great job! It isn't easy to make a mod, and all of you bashing their work is just unneccessary. You can't bash it till you have done it! You don't like it, get over to their forums and help out! AND IF YOU HAVE READ ANY OF THEIR POSTS THEY SAY THESE ARE WORKS IN PROGRESS!!!! They are just letting the community in on what they are stop you whining and be happy we have another mod out there!
              i have done it, and am still doing it... everyone is entitled to their opinion, buddy, and in this instance i dont think anyone is far off in their "bashing" (as you put it). the skins (as they have told me) are WIP but im sorry - 4 updates now in a row... rather than spamming the news board with all these WIP updates they could have put the extra couple of hours to actually complete one and give us one really good update... instaed they have been "bashed" four times now lol... believe it or not, hr drayu, a forum is about expressing ideas and opinions, and in my view short posts like "cool" and "awesome" and "good work" dont in anyway contribute to the development of a mod and are really bordering on post padding... far better to have an honest opinion with some constructive criticism... and not be told you cant say anything unless you mod :shakehead

              anyway back on topic - jeep needs ALOT of work... it has some surface weathering but where is the dirt? the bumperbar is spankin new for gods sake lol... tht and the markings look too "pasted" on... if its just WIP i guess thts fine... if its not and yall want to know how to do it better (the markings), pm me


              • #8
                Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

                Thanks for the support guys! and to all of those who say this sucks or that sucks bla bla bla..... I'm not doing this or a part of the modding community to impress people or m,ake any money. I'm here because I love doing this stuff plain and simple. Thats it. I'm not here to be the best modder and im not here to make the best mod. I'm simply here to mod and have fun with it. Keep in mind that a mod is FREE and if you are going to play it for its uber graphics and uber awesome models\skins\animations blablabla then you are probably playing it for the wrong reason. EoD has never been about this stuff and has always been about gameplay. I'm not angry and im not trying to rant, im just providing my .02. I love this stuff!


                • #9
                  Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

                  I respect ya for making a mod, nobody is saying otherwise. But if you were strictly making it just for the love of it and not wanting cyber high fives and attention you wouldn't be here. I'm simply stating EoD on '42 and BFV looked better than this. And they WERE great mods, loved them and played them more than any other mod. Your mod here could also have great gameplay, but so did the others.. It's not the end of the world for people to expect an increase in graphics.


                  • #10
                    Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

                    Originally posted by jimbob
                    short posts like "cool" and "awesome" and "good work" dont in anyway contribute to the development of a mod and are really bordering on post padding...
                    I greatly dissagree with this statement. 10 men fighting for everything could easily win against 100 men fighting for nothing. Morale\motivation plays a bigger part to accomplishing a goal than anything.


                    • #11
                      Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

                      You're making a mod, not fighting a war.


                      • #12
                        Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

                        Originally posted by Focker
                        You're making a mod, not fighting a war.
                        It was an analogy.


                        • #13
                          Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

                          If graphics didn't matter we'd all still be playing '42. It was more balanced and would play much smoother on the computers most of us have now compared to then.


                          • #14
                            Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

                            Originally posted by [EoD]Shipwreck
                            I greatly dissagree with this statement. 10 men fighting for everything could easily win against 100 men fighting for nothing. Morale\motivation plays a bigger part to accomplishing a goal than anything.
                            you actually get motivation from comments like tht? wow some of us are easy to impress lol i just see them as people unable to come up with a reason why they like your work - never helps you figure out what your doing right/wrong... personally i prefer comments tht you at least can benefit from, if anything gain a different perspective... but to each his own....

                            if you love doing your work, then there is no excuse for sub par achievement... if you cant put your best into it, i wouldnt bother otherwise even the time you save cutting corners is wasted in the long run... back to it brother!!!!


                            • #15
                              Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update 4

                              First off, I have worked on many mods, including a 2 year long project called Degeneration for RTCW. That said, I know what it takes to make a mod and how much work it is.
                              Over the past few days I have been looking at these pitures and quite frankly I am not impressed. With the other competition out there, these are subpar. I am not saying this to rag on the team, but rather to give some constructive criticism. You guys need to sit back and re-evaluate these models and ask yourselves if they are really the best you can do, I am betting you can do a lot better. Good luck with your mod.

                              EDIT: One of the most important things in a mod is how the graphics look, that's what most users base their decision to download on. The second most important is word of mouth. If the mod looks bad graphically, not many will actually try it.

