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Eve of Destruction Mod Update 1

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  • Eve of Destruction Mod Update 1

    There is a new update posted today over at the <a href="" target="_blank">Eve of Destruction</a> mod website. They have some new media to showcase in the post. Here's what they had to say:<blockquote>The Eve of Destruction Mod Team would like to give you guys a peek at the soldier models that are being worked on for EoD. So, lets get the ball rolling with these three pictures! Props go to the fantastic Vic for all his hard work on these player models!<p>Also, I'd like to take this time to introduce our new team members. ALFfx will be bringing us his mapping skills, hslan.Lotte will be helping us out with coding, and RunsWithScissors will be making us some kick ass models! As always we are looking for more talented developers to join our team. If you think you're good enough please send me an email!</blockquote><center><a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_0213.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_0164.jpg"></a></center><br>Be sure to visit their <a href="" target="_blank">website</a> to check out the last of the images.

  • #2
    Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

    Thats Top Notch Work!

    Keep up the good work


    • #3
      Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

      Nice in-game player models...the arms look a little twisted or something...but it's still good though.

      p.s.: I know, his arms are really skinny


      • #4
        Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

        Haha, nice animation on the left


        • #5
          Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

          Originally posted by Dr.D
          Haha, nice animation on the left
          thats from BF2


          • #6
            Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

            Originally posted by DoubleVee
            thats from BF2
            how do you do that?!? please tell me!


            • #7
              Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

              Originally posted by lavadisk
              how do you do that?!? please tell me!

              Cause the map is Songhua Stalemate.


              • #8
                Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                No...? All maps do that. Just pull out a pistol (Non-silenced) and wait a little bit.

                Anyways, nice models! I am glad to see this mod isn't dead (Thought it was for a second)


                • #9
                  Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                  Nice work. I really would like to see EoD in BF2!


                  • #10
                    Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                    I know I said this in the FH news comments, but I really hope many of the BF2 mods will use Vapour for distrobution. for more info.


                    • #11
                      Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                      Dunno... Vapour... sounds too much like steam... and I got enough of Steam already... don't need yet another content delivery system. Would actually just need the content thx


                      • #12
                        Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                        Originally posted by C.Sartoris
                        I know I said this in the FH news comments, but I really hope many of the BF2 mods will use Vapour for distrobution. for more info.
                        sounds like somone is hijacking threads to get some advertising lol if you want them to use it PM them

                        model is sweet, texture could use some work... in particular his clothes, the current texture looks like smoothe parachute pant material lol not worn combat fatigues... look at the surface of the BF2 player models uniforms to see what i mean... very simple to fix but i am sure you know how other thn tht its very nice... just needs tht arteests touch


                        • #13
                          Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                          wow the first costum player models iv seen, and they look so nice!!

                          fantastic job EOD team! thought you where pretty much dead.. but damn! thats nice


                          • #14
                            Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                            I really like the Female VC they have on the home site. Awesome touch.
                            And well Alffx made the best maps during BFV so with him on EoD their are gonna be some good maps worth playin for sure.


                            • #15
                              Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                              Originally posted by =hr=drayu
                              Cause the map is Songhua Stalemate.

                              LOL, I thought it said "how do you know that?" Better read a little more carefully next time.

