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Official Site Update

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  • Official Site Update

    The <a href="" target="_blank">Official Battlefield 2</a> website has been updated with a neat flash section on the Euro armies destined for the first booster pack. In it you can find out information and see images of the player classes, vehicles, and weapons. Check it out <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.

  • #2
    Re: Official Site Update

    Neat stuff, with this much effort I know my 10 dollars will get me a lot ....:hmm:


    • #3
      Re: Official Site Update

      The Offical release dates to play the Booster Packs have been posted.
      I believe they are Feb 8th for Euro & March 23 for Armored Fury.

      Anyone heard what are the release dates to the downloader of both Booster Packs for download?
      As I recall I was able to download SF several weeks before the Offical Release date.


      • #4
        Re: Official Site Update

        Those are actually old news. The armies section.


        • #5
          Re: Official Site Update

          lol, you guys are slacking, the site was updated Sunday

          I saw at another site yesterday someone had the actual box, on the back it says it's a 360 MB download.


          • #6
            Re: Official Site Update

            lol.. the demo was bigger


            • #7
              Re: Official Site Update

              Originally posted by -(PK)-DarkIllusion
              lol.. the demo was bigger
              Hahah thats funny


              • #8
                Re: Official Site Update

                I swear the other day i read on their site its only for download. EA's site.


                • #9
                  Re: Official Site Update

                  Originally posted by goaliemike
                  I swear the other day i read on their site its only for download. EA's site.
                  It is, if you buy the box there's no cd in it, just a download authorization code.


                  • #10
                    Re: Official Site Update

                    Im just curious... does this mean that we don't get a CD from ordering over the net? What if we uninstall the game? Do we have to buy it again? This may be a noob question, but please no flaming.....


                    • #11
                      Re: Official Site Update

                      No you don't get a CD. It's similar to Steam, you just need to remember your downloader logon and you can re-install as often as you want.


                      • #12
                        Re: Official Site Update

                        Alright, thanks alot. That clears that up, so they DO get my $10!


                        • #13
                          Re: Official Site Update

                          So let me get this straight, you download it directly into the EA folder? So you cant you download it to My Docs and then burn it to a CD, the reason i ask becuase i bought the SF at the store and i didnt DL it. I dont see the point in DL something you cant burn to a CD if and when you have a system failure. So what is it, iam confused!



                          • #14
                            Re: Official Site Update

                            Too bad the Booster pack, Euro Forces has been delayed now. The release will not be Feb.8th.


                            • #15
                              Re: Official Site Update

                              According to EA.UK Forums Personal:

                              We got some news yesterday that the release for the Euro Forces booster has been pushed back. We're still waiting on confirmation of when it is now due, but for now we have nothing further.

                              So, anyone answer my Question?


