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Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

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  • Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

    There is a new update posted today over at the <a href="" target="_blank">Forgotten Hope 2</a> mod website. They have a new render to show as well as some map shots. Here's what they had to say:<blockquote>Hello and welcome back another news update of Forgotten Hope 2. This week, we would like to start by welcoming a new member, mapper Lili Marlene. Lili has a long carreer as a fan mapper, and in the past released maps like "Battle For Ortona", "Kiew", and "Invasion of Sicily." His attention to detail and inventiveness make him a valuable addition to the team. Lets give Lili Marlene a warm welcome!<p>The first new model for today's update is the 6x30 Dienstglas, the standard issue German service binoculars (6 power, with a 30 degree field of view). These were issued to officers and some noncoms, as well as artillery spotters and others tasked with the job of observing at a distance, that did not require more specialized equipment. These were adopted in the mid 1930s, and was manufactured by several different optical firms, according to a common design. The 6x30 Dienstglas was modeled by ctz and skinned by ctz and McGibs.</blockquote><center><a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_152%20-%20dienstglas.jpg"></a></center><blockquote>Artillery spotters tend to be hard on their surroundings, and in recognition of this Malsa has created shattered and wrecked versions of his fine North African-style buildings. Keep an eye out for snipers, as these tangled ruins provide many excellent hiding spots.</blockquote><center><a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_152%20-%20na_destr_01.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_152%20-%20na_destr_03.jpg"></a><br><a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_152%20-%20na_destr_04.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_152%20-%20na_destr_05.jpg"></a></center><br>Some very impressive looking images right there. To check out the rest of the images, visit their site <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.

  • #2
    Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

    wow looks nice.

    keep up the good work


    • #3
      Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

      Nice update guys! Binocs look awesome. Those new statics are going to give the desert campaign lots of atmosphere.


      • #4
        Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

        Forgotten Hope is a great mod. Can't wait for this one!!!


        • #5
          Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

          Will have to get this... looks like it could truly be BF 1942 II


          • #6
            Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

            Cant wait , cant wait, cant wait. forgotten hope you rock my world, and it will be soo refreshing to have some high quality 1942 action!


            • #7
              Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

              B-E-A-Utiful as always. Was a huge fan for FH1942, and and really looking forward to FH2! Keep it up guys!


              • #8
                Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update



                • #9
                  Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                  hmmmm i wonder if they are taking on anymore skinners lol
                  FH truly lifts the bar when it comes to quality... a level which i truely hope to attain soon - very nice work as always fellas, you definitely are pwning other mods as your updates get released hahahaha


                  • #10
                    Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                    not that much stuff in this update, but the stuff that is in looks great!


                    • #11
                      Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                      Very nice update indeed !!


                      • #12
                        Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                        It gets better and better


                        • #13
                          Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                          I hope they can utilize Vapour to distribute the mod.

                          This would make downloading whole versions and fixes much easier.


                          • #14
                            Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                            when is it coming out?


                            • #15
                              Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                              Originally posted by C.Sartoris
                              I hope they can utilize Vapour to distribute the mod.

                              This would make downloading whole versions and fixes much easier.
                              Vapor currently doesn't support BF2. They should support it soon though, it's a GREAT service.

