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TotalBF2 Interviews US Intervention

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  • #46
    Re: TotalBF2 Interviews US Intervention

    Originally posted by wolfi
    PCO stands for PlayerControlObject.
    If someones talking about a PCO hes talking about a vehicle
    Everything you can jump in is a vehicle, Stingers and HJ-8 as well.
    Ahhh, well I hope the devs for BF2 can solve that bug then. I really do miss the Navy and I'm glad you guys are going to give it us! Kudos!!


    • #47
      Re: TotalBF2 Interviews US Intervention

      Originally posted by Sir. G-Capo
      Actually an M1A1 vs a T-72 is a fare match.Give the T-72's Uranium penetrators and extra ERA armour.They can go up against the best of them!.
      Just watching the Discovery channel there, and a top 10 programme was on, subject...tanks!

      The Abrahms got an excellent right up, making number 2 on the top 10 list....highest scorer on every category just about, but bumped to no2 for the reason that, it hasnt been proved in combat against good compition.

      They quoted figures from Gulf War I, 2000 tank kills accreditted to the m1, with 4 losses!!!! That is not a bad KDR! Think the total amount of Iraqi tanks destroyed was 3400, so the jet jockys and Apache pilots must have been gettinga few also.

      No1 was a russian t something used in WW2 against the gerrys.

      Important note here, before i'm picked up on it, the tanks were scored in there own era, eg the abrams wasnt scored directlly against a ww2 tank. Example the Tiger tank scored top marks for armour (no4 or 5 in list) as it was the thickest in 1942, where it would score far lower compared to modern vehicles.

      To the point, relating this to USI. The only real downfall it had was it had to be supported by soft skinned fuel trucks as its engine guzzles up the fuel, can see now where fuel trucks could come in in USI..... would bring in some interesting tactics.


      • #48
        Re: TotalBF2 Interviews US Intervention

        Originally posted by thebamsco
        Just watching the Discovery channel there, and a top 10 programme was on, subject...tanks!

        The Abrahms got an excellent right up, making number 2 on the top 10 list....highest scorer on every category just about, but bumped to no2 for the reason that, it hasnt been proved in combat against good compition.

        They quoted figures from Gulf War I, 2000 tank kills accreditted to the m1, with 4 losses!!!! That is not a bad KDR! Think the total amount of Iraqi tanks destroyed was 3400, so the jet jockys and Apache pilots must have been gettinga few also.

        No1 was a russian t something used in WW2 against the gerrys.

        Important note here, before i'm picked up on it, the tanks were scored in there own era, eg the abrams wasnt scored directlly against a ww2 tank. Example the Tiger tank scored top marks for armour (no4 or 5 in list) as it was the thickest in 1942, where it would score far lower compared to modern vehicles.

        To the point, relating this to USI. The only real downfall it had was it had to be supported by soft skinned fuel trucks as its engine guzzles up the fuel, can see now where fuel trucks could come in in USI..... would bring in some interesting tactics.
        T-34 it was.

        It had a cup holder and a seat heater ftw!


        • #49
          Re: TotalBF2 Interviews US Intervention

          Originally posted by thebamsco
          Just watching the Discovery channel there, and a top 10 programme was on, subject...tanks!

          The Abrahms got an excellent right up, making number 2 on the top 10 list....highest scorer on every category just about, but bumped to no2 for the reason that, it hasnt been proved in combat against good compition.

          They quoted figures from Gulf War I, 2000 tank kills accreditted to the m1, with 4 losses!!!! That is not a bad KDR! Think the total amount of Iraqi tanks destroyed was 3400, so the jet jockys and Apache pilots must have been gettinga few also.

          No1 was a russian t something used in WW2 against the gerrys.

          Important note here, before i'm picked up on it, the tanks were scored in there own era, eg the abrams wasnt scored directlly against a ww2 tank. Example the Tiger tank scored top marks for armour (no4 or 5 in list) as it was the thickest in 1942, where it would score far lower compared to modern vehicles.

          To the point, relating this to USI. The only real downfall it had was it had to be supported by soft skinned fuel trucks as its engine guzzles up the fuel, can see now where fuel trucks could come in in USI..... would bring in some interesting tactics.

          Actually none were lost due to enemy fire, it actually all fraticide and a few mobility issues. And to who said that the Iraqis were only using training shells(wooden and plastic) That is got to be the dumbest **** iv'e ever heard. You know what a HEAT round is? Most plastic and wooden rounds, would disenegrate before reaching a target, And ERA(explosive reactive armor) Is NOTING compard to Chobam, and depleted uranium armors. And actually the russian made 125 mm guns are proved inferior to the german made l44, and l55 smoothbore rifles used on the Abrams and leo2's.


          • #50
            Re: TotalBF2 Interviews US Intervention

            With all the talent, ideas, and day dreamers....I'm sure the community will be pleased indeed.


            • #51
              Re: TotalBF2 Interviews US Intervention

              Originally posted by PBAsydney
              T-34 it was.

              It had a cup holder and a seat heater ftw!
              Cheers mate, had a phone call that made me miss the last one...grrr.

              Is the USI mod gonnae incorporate the heated seat and cup holder....tis get mighty cold when im gaming some nights....would be handy

              Originally posted by olhem
              Actually none were lost due to enemy fire,
              Defo one of them was immobilised due to enemy fire. The programme stated an example of a M1 that came under attack - dont know if it was another tank or a RPG, with most of the crew escaping and having to fight it out to survive. One of the cre members couldnt get out the burning tank, and a team was sent in a couple of hours later to pick up his body. But, the man was to there surprise alive....pretty good bloody tank


              • #52
                Re: TotalBF2 Interviews US Intervention

                oh man this mod is gonna be so awesome with a CVN

