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Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

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  • Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

    After their planned break, the <a href="" target="_blank">Point of Existence 2</a> mod is back again with a new update. As always they have some new media to showcase in the update. Here's what they had to say:<blockquote>We have taken a lot of time to take suggestions that our community members have posted and figured we would do something about the complaint that it’s too hard to shoot down aircraft in BF:2. The team has worked on providing different air protection weapons so that the lonely ground troops can maneuver with more hope that they won’t get destroyed by aircraft all of the time. Of course our coders are doing everything possible to balance out air/ground vehicles and weapons so this should be a welcomed addition (except to our aviators).<p>Since we are discussing things for our ground troops let’s show the jeep like vehicle for the Ukraine side. The Uaz-3151 is a upgraded version of the Uaz-469 which has been serving countries since the 70’s. We are planning on arming it with the 12.7mm Kord heavy machine gun and/or the 7.62mm PKM.<p>We dedicate our next vehicle to our artillery lovers. It’s amphibious, it shoots 122mm shells, and it’s just a fun vehicle to use. The Ukraine team will have the luxury of providing fire missions to support their infantry comrades with the M-1974 mobile artillery vehicle.</blockquote><center><a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_Zu23.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_Stinger.jpg"></a><br><a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_Uaz.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_M1974.jpg"></a></center><br>Glad to see the team back in action and already progressing their mod forward. To check out the rest of the update, visit their site <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.

  • #2
    Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update


    looking good


    • #3
      Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

      I hope they kill the commander, give us player controlled artillery and make the helis fun. Otherwise its going to feel too much like EA expansion pack two.


      • #4
        Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

        Originally posted by sabotage
        I hope they kill the commander, give us player controlled artillery and make the helis fun. Otherwise its going to feel too much like EA expansion pack two.

        Just play PoE on BFV then.


        • #5
          Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

          omg, when is this comming out ffs. It looks So cool


          • #6
            Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

            Watch out flyboys!!!!
            Wait for my stingers.......and die

            I loved to play PoE BFvietnam, the DeadMeat server had it running for a while and whas often pretty full.


            • #7
              Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

              The mutiny gamers server still runs the bfv mod and is usually at 20 players or more most nights.


              • #8
                Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

                I'm an old PoE player and I can't wait to see it on the BF2 engine, you guys are doing an awesome job keep it up!


                • #9
                  Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

                  How have the made it possible do we have to place were we want the shells to fall then fire like in the commander or squad leader map


                  • #10
                    Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

                    Maybe the same as in bf1942 were a team player
                    can give you a camara ordering were a arty is needed


                    • #11
                      Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

                      Looks amazing, keep it up.


                      • #12
                        Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

                        WTH !!! RELEASE IT DAMNIT!!!! WHERE'S MY ALLIGATOR!!!!

                        Hands down, POE IS THE BEST,

                        US:I seconds PoE


                        • #13
                          Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

                          wat would make that artillery gun real nice, when the commander targets something, the gunner, will have a icon on the map and all that and it would have to fire on it.....

                          if their is no gunner in the gunner seat, it will automatically aim and fire


                          • #14
                            Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

                            Originally posted by dragon159753
                            wat would make that artillery gun real nice, when the commander targets something, the gunner, will have a icon on the map and all that and it would have to fire on it.....

                            if their is no gunner in the gunner seat, it will automatically aim and fire
                            correction: If there is no gunner/ will not fire at all, it will just have an icon on top of it needs a gunner to fire it.

                            And commander could work the same way as in BF1942, so he will just set up the camera view for the artillery.


                            • #15
                              Re: Point of Existence 2 Mod Update

                              Very impressive there, cant wait for this mod still, top of my list

