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Fires in the Balkans Mod Announced

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  • Fires in the Balkans Mod Announced

    There has recently been a new mod announced that goes by the name <b>Fires in the Balkans</b>. They follow a similar storyline as the BFV mod Flashpoint Balkans, and are looking for some new staff. Here's what they had to say about the start up:<blockquote>I am creating a mod based on the Yugoslav Civil War. For the first release we will include about 15 weapons and it will be a ground war first. We will include tanks and aircraft in the second release but we would like to get the basic out first. Our team is older as in our late teens and early 20's and we have a lot of motivation to keep this mod going. Here is a little about the conflict.<p>After the Yugoslav Civil War many people in former Yugoslavia went into poverty. This war was one of the most horrific wars that had happened in the area since World War 2. About 300,000 people died in this war and millions had to flee their home to neighboring countrys.<p>Like I said it was little so here is what I need and email if you are interested in the joining.<p>We don't have a site yet but we are in the progress of making one. Also a friend of mine is creating a model library and is also working on the mod as an advisor. He is a Modeler/Skinner/Unwrapper and he also led the Flashpoint Balkans Battlefield Vietnam mod.</blockquote>They are looking to fill all positions for their mod so if you are interested, be sure to contact them through the email listed. To learn more about this mod, visit their start up thread <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.

  • #2
    Re: Fires in the Balkans Mod Announced

    Sounds good best of luck.


    • #3
      Re: Fires in the Balkans Mod Announced

      Sounds great! My family actually came out of Yugoslavia, about 250 years ago before moving to the U.S. :P . Best of luck!


      • #4
        Re: Fires in the Balkans Mod Announced

        I signed up as a PR for them.

