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Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

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  • #16
    Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

    It's like this

    1.Person rents a server from MYIS, it's a great server but just has trouble starting up. Like all servers do.
    2.MYIS signs server up on the "getpayed2play" listing
    3.People play on the server, thus solving the problem of no one playing on the server.

    Everyone wins with this system, the players get rank and prizes and admins fill their servers.

    I'm already signed up and have been playing.


    • #17
      Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

      Almost right SloppyJo.

      Server admins from around the world can sign up. They pay $25 and they're server gets added to the list for a month.


      • #18
        Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

        Just signed up our server for this. Seems like a win win for those that are server admins and have very active clan members.....join ours and play for $$

        server IP: BF2.BLOODY-SCOTSMEN.COM:16567


        • #19
          Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

          Whenever I go to the server browser all I get is 1 server 24/7 city maps, and all the rest say retrieving...?


          • #20
            Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

            Originally posted by [MyIS]Spetsnaz
            Almost right SloppyJo.

            Server admins from around the world can sign up. They pay $25 and they're server gets added to the list for a month.
            Thanks for the clarification, General.


            • #21
              Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

              Originally posted by XeroStatic
              Just signed up our server for this. Seems like a win win for those that are server admins and have very active clan members.....join ours and play for $$

              server IP: BF2.BLOODY-SCOTSMEN.COM:16567
              Where ya based xero? Is this a euro server (uk? Scottish?) I'm a 'bloody scotsman' already, and maybe join ya for a game if ur a bunch of tartan skirt wearers!!

              And a question to MyIS. Are you guys going to allow servers running mods in the future or are we stuck playing Vanilla, to be in with a chance of the ca$h?

              I for one, will be jumping ship, onto the first good modern day combat mod when they come out proper, DCON CTF has caught my attention the now, and the different gameplay is far more attractive proposition, than playing Vanilla, which is getting a bit on the stale side at times.......

              Edit: just noticed ur location xero....take it, its a us server......doh!


              • #22
                Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

                Seems like a good idea. I will sign up and play my 12 hours a month, I wouldn't mind an iPod Nano


                • #23
                  Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

                  Originally posted by thebamsco
                  Where ya based xero? Is this a euro server (uk? Scottish?) I'm a 'bloody scotsman' already, and maybe join ya for a game if ur a bunch of tartan skirt wearers!!

                  And a question to MyIS. Are you guys going to allow servers running mods in the future or are we stuck playing Vanilla, to be in with a chance of the ca$h?

                  I for one, will be jumping ship, onto the first good modern day combat mod when they come out proper, DCON CTF has caught my attention the now, and the different gameplay is far more attractive proposition, than playing Vanilla, which is getting a bit on the stale side at times.......

                  Edit: just noticed ur location xero....take it, its a us server......doh!
                  This is a very strong consideration of ours. I myself played Desert Combat for '42 since 0.6 or 0.7 (cant recall). I know the power of mods and how the vanilla version can get boring for some.

                  We're still thinking of ways to do this securely, as mods can have all sorts of server configurations that is beyond our control, whereas ranked servers need to fit many guidelines.

                  We'll keep you guys posted.


                  • #24
                    Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

                    can us brits join this and have our own servers


                    • #25
                      Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

                      Sure can! Anyone from any country can join


                      • #26
                        Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

                        Originally posted by [MyIS]Spetsnaz
                        This is a very strong consideration of ours. I myself played Desert Combat for '42 since 0.6 or 0.7 (cant recall). I know the power of mods and how the vanilla version can get boring for some.

                        We're still thinking of ways to do this securely, as mods can have all sorts of server configurations that is beyond our control, whereas ranked servers need to fit many guidelines.

                        We'll keep you guys posted.
                        I can see your point for stat purposes, but for time played, which is the requirement for the prizes, think the account checking would be sufficient.

                        Any mod teams out there, fancy tying in with MyIS, to look for compatability.

                        Would be an ideal way to up the player counts on your mod, giving some incentive (bar the new weaponary/vehicles/maps/gameplay ) to join the mod servers.

                        Must admit, I had a worry that this service was a way to further EA's profits, by only using ranked servers, so thanks for letting us know that the mods are considered. I can put the little conspiracy theorist to bed again...for a wee while

                        Nice job on the browser and set up while I'm here.

                        Also there is 1 euro server so far (empty earlier though ) Hope some more join in...wouldnt mind a go at the prize draw. Cant see myself winning the play time, some hard core bf2ers out there :cry:


                        • #27
                          Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

                          Originally posted by goya
                          im a paranoid republican. :-) so where does the money and gift come from santa clause, some altruistic group, corporate america or the us military. if it's someone with money willing to give it away. they might as well send it to me and i'll buy a nvidia 7800 instead.

                          it would be nice to know what they are selling and where they are getting the money for the prices...
                          If you go to , you will see the prizes along with the Sponsers. Sponsers are located just under the "[sponsered by]" logo.


                          • #28
                            Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

                            yeay im in one of the pics


                            • #29
                              Re: Get Paid 2 Play Goes Live!

                              Originally posted by goya
                              where is the money coming from? do i need to install any software to play??? sound like a great way to get people to install spy/spam/ad ware.
                              The server it's self must advertise to get money with banners... thats prob why the more you play, the more likely you can get paid

