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Desert Conflict Mod Update

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  • Desert Conflict Mod Update

    There is a new update posted today over at the <a href="" target="_blank">Desert Conflict</a> mod website. They have some progress news on their CTF mod's next release. Here's what they had to say:<blockquote>Well the coding dept keeps surprising me. Kiff and Mach in conjunction with some wizardry of Harry and Superfuzz have managed to fix some of the key complaints with CTF currently. These new screeshots that I just took were taken on Kubra Dam 16 player sized map. Let me tell you.. this map is gonna be nothing but mass carnage. The shots show our hero Kiff and Myself.. yes yes I know.. Hold the applaus. Let me be the first to tell you. You're gonna love it i gurantee it. The new coding and con editing gave us the icons that you can not only see across the battlefield but update them in near- real time in the 1st person view as well as the full map and the full zooms of the mini-map. It updates as i said in near- real time. (near real time means that it follows you and updates the rest of the players while it is on the move). The icon follows the player as he moves across the map. The icon also shows through solids and has a distance to target read out on it. We've lengthed the time the flag hangs around and fixed the issue of it disappering quickly after being dropped. It should be barring any mishaps or serious problems while being tested this week be out to you all soon. Along with some more stock BF2 maps converted over to the cause. Enjoy the screens.</blockquote><center><a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_screen051copy.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_screen052copy.jpg"></a><br><a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_screen022.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_screen019.jpg"></a></center><br>Some very nice progress being shown, looking forward to the next release. To check out all the new images, visit their site <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.

  • #2
    Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

    me likes


    • #3
      Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

      Great job guys. I hope you dont get side tracked to much from the main mod, some of us wanna play it!:laugh:


      • #4
        Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

        Originally posted by Dr.D
        Great job guys. I hope you dont get side tracked to much from the main mod, some of us wanna play it!:laugh:
        yeah i wanna see DC El Nas now


        • #5
          Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

          Oh I remember DC Al Nas I think it was. Man that map was great


          • #6
            Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

            If only the ranked system would stay down for a few weeks, global ranks was the worst thing that could happen to battlefield. People don't care about another gamemode they only care about getting their precious medals and other crap. What a shame it is.


            • #7
              Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

              THat looks really great, I hope itll be out b4 the end of the year.


              • #8
                Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                Originally posted by Eglaerinion
                If only the ranked system would stay down for a few weeks, global ranks was the worst thing that could happen to battlefield. People don't care about another gamemode they only care about getting their precious medals and other crap. What a shame it is.
                That's called "scumbags"


                • #9
                  Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                  Originally posted by Eglaerinion
                  If only the ranked system would stay down for a few weeks, global ranks was the worst thing that could happen to battlefield. People don't care about another gamemode they only care about getting their precious medals and other crap. What a shame it is.
                  Sad yet true


                  • #10
                    Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                    Shouldn't the Desert Conflict team be focusing on getting their..oh I dunno... MOD out before screwing with crap like CTF?


                    • #11
                      Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                      is thre ganna be a lost village map


                      • #12
                        Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                        Originally posted by 5150 Joker
                        Shouldn't the Desert Conflict team be focusing on getting their..oh I dunno... MOD out before screwing with crap like CTF?
                        Thanks for the enthusiasm. We are focusing on the MOD, and giving people a needed break from vanilla BF2 and the Special Forces "Mommy buy me a better gun for shristmas" saga with some good old CTF. Its great fans like you ( ) that make MOD teams work so hard.

                        P.S> Yes Boom, there will be a Lost Village.


                        • #13
                          Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                          Originally posted by =DNC=SySeX73
                          Thanks for the enthusiasm. We are focusing on the MOD, and giving people a needed break from vanilla BF2 and the Special Forces "Mommy buy me a better gun for shristmas" saga with some good old CTF. Its great fans like you ( ) that make MOD teams work so hard.

                          P.S> Yes Boom, there will be a Lost Village.
                          Viva CTF


                          • #14
                            Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                            I don't care about ranks, I just had yet another great game on 1 CTF server with a ping of 68. I just have to see this developed more.
                            P.S. My bro came in while I was playing, us 2 being UT2003/2004 veterans couldn't get to grips with the layout straight away. I've got used to it now but I would really appreciate some large text across screen, and a voice dialog.<O</O
                   - just like that.<O</O
                            "The enemy has taken your flag, recover your flag"<O</O
                            "Your team has the enemy flag, protect your flag"<O</O
                            I'm sure it's been asked already.<O</O

                            But for god's sake, change that "dum dum" sound when ever anything happens to the flag. What about an alarm sound (like Ut2004) when your flag is taken instead, and then the "dum dum" sound for capture. It's confusing when I have to keep looking at the symbol to find out what's happened.


                            • #15
                              Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                              Originally posted by Eglaerinion
                              If only the ranked system would stay down for a few weeks, global ranks was the worst thing that could happen to battlefield. People don't care about another gamemode they only care about getting their precious medals and other crap. What a shame it is.
                              Yeah, that is so true.

