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Robin Williams the Sniper

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  • #61
    Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

    I've heard that Jesus also drops in occasionally. Enjoys flying the choppers, says it brings him closer to god, or something.

    Anyway, I play BF2, and I'm famous. At least thats what the man in the mirror told me anyway.

    I can imagine that celebs enjoy playing these kind of games because it brings anonimity, they can be whomever they want to be in tehse games and not have to worry about some pap following them around dissing them for their leanings towards unneccesary violence and bloodshed.

    Fair play to Mr. Williams, and may I play fair with him.

    (P.S. I did so much enjoy your stand up in New york show after 9/11. Really rather marvelous. That bit with the water bottles and the tom Cat 'Mine! Thats mine too!' Genius. And I really think I could be your new best friend, I wouldn't tell anyone. Honest. It could be mine and yours little secret. Just between you and me. Maybe we could do some one on one Sniper action. We could cover each other, and stop people coming up behind us and stabbing us. It ccould be so much fun . . . . Mr Williams? Are you still there? Mr. Williams. Have I gone to far? Mr. Williams. Sir?)


    • #62
      Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

      Hollywood is dead. Just look at King Kong


      • #63
        Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

        Originally posted by Uber:Jagermeiter
        Hollywood is dead. Just look at King Kong
        Yea, he is all messed up, I bet we see him in the Betty Ford soon.


        • #64
          Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

          indy films are the best titles always, F%%% Hollywood


          • #65
            Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

            I wonder what kind of rig he plays on. You'd figure he could buy anything he wants. Think of the possibilities.


            • #66
              Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

              If he's so rich he could afford to set up his own server...


              • #67
                Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

                Originally posted by Drum
                **** man thats awesome
                hope i get to hit robin williams in the face with a SRAW =D
                LOL I feel you there!


                • #68
                  Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

                  U all should keep it down in here or they will come out next year with a bf2 movie with robin as the sniper.

                  O wait ...I think there calling it Halo


                  • #69
                    Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

                    do you know his nick/pid. i would love to do some big 'stabbing' action


                    • #70
                      Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

                      probably those clebs have better things to do then playing vid games, there children offcourse play vid games ,
                      when I would have like tons and tons of money, I would have many other stuff to do then sitting behind my pc, you can travel , drive sportscars, have many women, have houses all around the world, fishing with my super sportsboat, .....


                      • #71
                        Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

                        I think some of you guys need to take a step back. I mean its great these ppl play games just like us and im sure there r so many ppl out there that have bagged a sniper and it was robin williams and u;ll all never know, but if you do know who he is keep it to urself, in the game you all can be anonnymous and im sure thats half the fun for these guys, the last thing they want is for ppl to know who they r in the game and sit next the them talking to them wanting to b their friend, the only people who really get any recognition for playing the game are the guys at the top of the ladder, so all in all who cares if anyone famous plays the game, i mean i dont care who kills me or who i kill its just a game


                        • #72
                          Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

                          Originally posted by nzoreo
                          I think some of you guys need to take a step back. I mean its great these ppl play games just like us and im sure there r so many ppl out there that have bagged a sniper and it was robin williams and u;ll all never know, but if you do know who he is keep it to urself, in the game you all can be anonnymous and im sure thats half the fun for these guys, the last thing they want is for ppl to know who they r in the game and sit next the them talking to them wanting to b their friend, the only people who really get any recognition for playing the game are the guys at the top of the ladder, so all in all who cares if anyone famous plays the game, i mean i dont care who kills me or who i kill its just a game
                          That was probably the most intelligent post I've seen on these forums. You nailed it, dude.


                          • #73
                            Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

                            Nzoreo is smart


                            • #74
                              Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

                              yea i did hear from the PC Gamer Podcast that he does play as a sniper in BF2. How awesome is that? Love someday to be in his squad or kill him... lol if i just knew his ingame name...


                              • #75
                                Re: Robin Williams the Sniper

                                I'm sure many famous people play games, but who cares. Not like you would believe they are in your server even if they said it was them. Me personally I wouldn't want people to know.

