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Eve of Destruction Mod Update

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  • Eve of Destruction Mod Update

    After quite a long break, the team behind the popular <a href="" target="_blank">Eve of Destruction</a> mod are back today with an update. They have some new renders to show off. Here's what they had to say:<blockquote>Well, it’s been awhile since our last news release, and let me tell you, we’ve come quite a way since then. First off let’s start by welcoming the many new faces to the team. Welcome Mr. Burns[GER] and Taichi, who will both be bringing their skills as mappers to the team, as well as RavenOne who will be bringing his talented modelling skills to the team.<p>And of course we are still looking for more talented developers to join the ranks of EoD, people in every area are needed, but for the most part we require people talented in these areas; Vehicle/Weapons modellers, Animators. If interested please shoot off an email to my address.</blockquote><center><a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_btr60.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_m151a2.jpg"></a></center><br>Nice to see the team is back and working hard on the mod. To learn more about EoD, visit their site <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.

  • #2
    Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

    Very Sexy!!!


    • #3
      Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

      I would love to see the Vietnam War done on this engine. BFV was great fun (and EoD on BFV was fun too), but there's so much more potential for fun and coolness here, my head is gonna implode.


      • #4
        Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

        Looking good! I played EoD too for BF:V and it was such a fun and great mod, i hope EoD team does a great job again, because i just love the vietnam war based games, like BF:V.

        Keep it up!


        • #5
          Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

          Ive been playing Eod since bf 42. I even visited the Bf:Central Forums of it before its merge with bf42...and so on. I also tested Eod BF:V for a while and I gotta say its an awsome mod and Im glad they have got another update again.


          • #6
            Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

            Looks good, but can't see much in those renders.

            Hope it turns out well, a vietnam mod would be awesome.


            • #7
              Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

              Now I can sleep good tonight!


              • #8
                Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                that jeep looks nice :thumbsup:


                • #9
                  Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                  Great to see this mod alive. I've been playing EOD since it's first release in BF42, and I've had some of my best ever BF rounds with EOD. The infantry combat is outstanding, the sounds are awesome, and the maps are excellent. Great mod!


                  • #10
                    Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                    Very nice, I like the EOD mod in BF1942 so this should be good


                    • #11
                      Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                      EoD for '42 was awesome, they kinda got screwed over with BF:Nam though but I'd really like to see the Nam era redone for BF2.

