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BF2SM Release

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  • BF2SM Release

    <a href="">BF2SM</a>, a remote BF2 server manager, released its v0.1 beta. To the joy of many server admins, BF2SM simplifies many of the long rcon commands for common tasks most people have come to know and hate, while allowing them to manage their servers remotely from the comfort of their own desktops. Remote Console only needs to be enabled, allowing for an easy install. BF2SM allows users to remotely:
    <blockquote>- Kick/ban players
    - List maps
    - Run next map / restart map
    - Pause game
    - Global server announcements or to individual teams
    - View / clear ban list
    - Add / remove key hashes to bans list
    - Issue remote console commands</blockquote>
    Interested? Download the program from their site <a href=",com_remository/Itemid,46/func,selectcat/cat,1">here.</a>

  • #2
    Anyone know if this is better than bf2CC?


    • #3
      That's what I'd like to know....


      • #4
        no this is not better than bf2cc.

        The only advantage this has is that it will work without the installation of anything on your remote server. So if your host does not allow bf2cc this would be a good alternative. (Although using this BF2 RCON web interface is even better)

        I was quite excited when I saw the name and I thought this would be from Black Bag Ops who made BFSM and BFVSM (which the majority of BF1942 and BF Vietnam servers use). Those previous programs were better than bf2cc and any server manager...its too bad there isnt such a tool for BF2.


        • #5
          Doesnt BF2CC suck? I forgot why my clan leader hated it...


          • #6
            (Although using this BF2 RCON web interface is even better)
            Hum, for some reason I'm not compelled to enter my password is some unknown website.

            Any way to download the source and run it from one's own web server?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Limech
              Hum, for some reason I'm not compelled to enter my password is some unknown website.

              Any way to download the source and run it from one's own web server?
              Yes there is


              • #8
                Yeah, when i saw the name I thought it was by Kevin Lockit as well.. they kind of piggyback on his fame by using bf2sm


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dr.D
                  Doesnt BF2CC suck? I forgot why my clan leader hated it...
                  No, it doesn't suck for a program in very early stages. My clan uses it and it works fine for us.


                  • #10
           i was creating a prog smiliar to this, but better and they just took my exact name..BFSM..all caps and everything...great Oh well..the development is halted anyway .

