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Win Steak, Blue Flames, and more from Bungie

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  • Win Steak, Blue Flames, and more from Bungie

    Steak! You want it and Bungie wants to give it to you! Yes, actual steak that you can eat. It comes from a cow. They go "moo."

    As part of their annual "Bungie Day" held every year on July 7th, gamers all over have a chance to win a steak from Bungie themselves (unless you're outside the US, in which case they can only send you a gift card).

    On Bungie Day, July 7th, we'll be deploying four man squads into a special Bungie vs. the World playlist for 24 hours of gaming glory. If you end up squaring off with any of our battle-hardened quartets and you can take them down by a margin of victory of 20 kills or more, we'll mail you a real steak. Hell, make it two steaks. While supplies last. (If you’re an non-US resident we'll send you a gift card. It's one of those really boring, but seriously necessary legal affairs. Pretty sure our lawyers hate you.)*

    But wait, there's more! Bungie is also giving away their lovely blue flames and special name plates! Yes, the items that used to be exclusive to Bungie employees can now be yours if you do one of two simple things. Either register on the Bungie Day hub page or download their mobile app. Both of these can be found in the middle of the page at