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Duke Nukem Forever Arrives May 3, 2011

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  • Duke Nukem Forever Arrives May 3, 2011

    Duke Nukem Forever actually has a release date. That date, in case you missed it, is May 3, 2011. Game Informer has the exclusive reveal on the release date courtesy of Gearbox Software and 3D Realms.

    "Somehow the guys at Game Informer magazine discovered Duke Nukem Forever's launch date before I did," joked Randy Pitchford, president of Gearbox Software and executive producer of Duke Nukem Forever. "But I cannot imagine any better video game news source team than Game Informer to reveal the moment of truth for the most inconceivable, incorrigible and inspiring turn around story in the history of the video game industry – the coming of Duke Nukem Forever on May 3, 2011."

    "The moment fans all over the world have been waiting for is almost here," says Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K. "May 3, 2011 marks Duke’s return as he unleashes his brash and brutally honest wit on the world. His return is going to be epic and one that will make video gaming history!"

    I think I speak for everyone when I say, "Holy $*!#, it's actually coming out in my lifetime!" Let's hope it can live up to even a fraction of the hype surrounding it after all these years.