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Half-Life 1 Dedicated Server Beta Released

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  • Half-Life 1 Dedicated Server Beta Released

    Prepare to party like it's 1999 all over again. Valve has just released a beta for the Half-Life 1 dedicated servers. Yeah, HL1, the first one, you know, the one with Xen that everybody loved? The game engine that Team Fortress Classic, Counter-Strike, and the super-popular Ricochet is based on? That one.

    To get this beta run the hldsupdatetool with "-beta hlbeta" on the command line.

    This beta fixes a crash exploit in the dedicated server caused by a malicious client packet after a proper user connect. It also contains rebuilt linux binaries using a newer internal build system so please report any load problems you may see under linux.

    Server admins looking to participate in the beta should run the above command line for their servers. Be sure to report back to the mailing list any and all issues with this beta that you may run into.