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Team Fortress 2 Beta Gives Hope to Competitive Scene

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  • Team Fortress 2 Beta Gives Hope to Competitive Scene

    A few details are starting to leak out about a Team Fortress 2 beta that is looking to put the spark back in to the game's competitive scene. The FakkelBrigade clan first made mention of this new beta on their website the other day.

    Few details were spilled, but what is known are the following snippets.
    The project headed up by our great friend Robin Walker. The aim of this project is to get the competitive community to help fine-tune TF2 for competitive 6v6 play. We’re still at an early stage, nothing new has been introduced on the beta-client yet but the forums are up and discussions are already ongoing.

    The first stage of the beta, as explained to us by Robin Walker. Will be to re-shape the sandman for future use in competitive TF2. This means we’ll be playing part of our normal match routine on the beta-client, behaving as we normally would. We all hope we can make TF2 an even better experience with this brilliant project!

    We sent an e-mail in to Valve's Robin Walker to perhaps get a confirmation on this beta or to scrape up a few new details. As of this writing we have not yet heard back. Walker's Steam Community page does show a "Team Fortress 2 Beta" under his gameplay stats section.

    If and when we receive new details, we'll be sure to share them with the community.