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Ass Level Once Considered for Dante's Inferno

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  • Ass Level Once Considered for Dante's Inferno

    Speaking during a panel at this year's Comic-Con, Dante Inferno's creative director and executive producer Jonathan Knight, revealed that at one point an ass level was considered for the game. Yes, it is exactly what you'd think it means.
    At the Dante's Inferno panel I just attended at Comic-Con, Electronic Arts creative director and executive producer Jonathan Knight revealed the team had considered including an area in the game where a player is shoved up the butt of Cerberus.

    The section was removed from the game for logistical reasons, according to Knight, but will be included in the Dante's Inferno animated feature coming next year.

    Perhaps in Dante's Inferno 2 will have the colon exploring gameplay we've all yearned for.