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Vote Pink!

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  • Vote Pink!

    Who here has always wanted to get back at a staff member at DICE? Come on, let's see those hands! I certainly suspect that everybody has, at one point or another, shaken their metaphorical fist at DICE for one reason or another.

    Hey, it's alright! You aren't alone in your moments of frustration. While you certainly shouldn't go on a swear filled rant about why you're so upset, you can still find other ways to get back at the developers. "But we're just a group of gamers, how can we possibly do this?!"

    Oh, we are so glad you asked!

    All you need to do is head on over to the community poll page at the Battlefield: Heroes site and cast your vote for the pink mohawk. Yes, the Battlefield Community Manager for DICE, Colin Clarke, is placing it all on the line to appease the masses.

    Do your part to turn this:

    Into this:

    Hey, it could always be worse. He may end up looking a little something like this! Now, hurry up and cast your vote!