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Combat Arms

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  • Combat Arms

    Community member omicr0n sent us word of a growing new online FPS, Combat Arms. The game is apparently similar in nature to Counter-Strike, it's completely free to play, and has "thousands" of players daily.
    Prepare to drop into an ever-changing theater of conflict, where you are in control of your gameplay - from your fully customizable character, to your lethal arsenal of weapons, to the scenarios you want to experience. Experience fierce battles online with up to 15 of your friends (and enemies) in dense jungles, frozen tundras, industrial wastelands, and more!
      Game Features

    • Character customization

    • Modifiable weapons

    • Multiple game mdoes & theaters of conflict

    • In-game clan system

    • Constant content updates and events

    • Web profiles and rankings

    If you've got the bandwidth, you really should give it a download. The file size is about 442MB and after installing the client, you will need to create a free account with NEXON in order to play.

    If someone has already tried the game, feel free to relay your thoughts on the game. I haven't had a chance to download it yet, but I will be soon!
