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Call of Duty 4 Map Pack dated

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  • Call of Duty 4 Map Pack dated

    The Variety Map Pack for Call of Duty 4 has been dated for Xbox Live. It will be released on April 3, and will cost 800 MS points (which is about $10 US). The maps will also be included with COD4: Game of the Year edition as a free download.

    Check the break for details on the maps![break="clicky click for details"]
    The Variety Map Pack includes four new multiplayer maps. "Creek" is a wide-open village ravaged by combat where concealment is the difference between life and death. In "Broadcast," fight throughout an enemy communications building with confined corridors and wide-open parking lots.

    "Chinatown" is a foggy downtown district, lit only by a full moon and the neon glow of the city. "Killhouse" features a desolate training warehouse filled with a variety of building mock-ups and soft and hard cover points
    I still need to play COD4 some time! I'll probably give it a try once I get back home.

  • #2
    Technically the GOTY edition won't be a 'free' download since the game itself will be costing a little more than the regular CoD4, which offsets the price of the 'free' map pack.

    But yeah, the new maps look cool. CoD4 is by far the best online shooter I've played on any platform so far (I still say TimeSplitters is the outright best, but that didn't have online). Spawning is a bit buggy and sometimes you'll end up spawning along side the entire enemy team, or you'll spawn looking at the sky facing a corner with an enemy two feet from you and you get knifed within the first six seconds... but other than that it's pretty flawless. The maps especially, are some of the best designed and well-balanced, fun maps I've come across in any game. From the look of it these new maps are going to be great,


    • #3
      I do enjoy watching the game being played - it looks nice and looks like fun. I just could never get into war games though, regardless of the era they are set in.


      • #4
        Cut me a break. $10 for a map?

        Money greed. Should be free.


        • #5
          Ryosuke T wrote..

          Cut me a break. $10 for a map?

          Money greed. Should be free.
          There's four new multiplayer maps, actually.


          • #6
            Since they're selling this on the 360.. I'm gonna guess it won't come out for the PC til sometime this winter of '08..


            • #7
              Kotae wrote..

              There's four new multiplayer maps, actually.
              Still not worth any $. You already bought the game. You expect the developers to enhance the game.


              • #8
                Ryosuke T wrote..

                Still not worth any $. You already bought the game. You expect the developers to enhance the game.
                Yes, why should we give them any money for things that they have spent their time, money and effort on!? Curse their greed!

                When you bought the game, you were paying for what was on that original disc. Now there is more content available, you will be paying for that too.

                Otherwise, what would happen to game sequals? "Fuck them, I'm not paying another £50 just for better graphics, gameplay enhancements, more modes and more content! They should just be patching it to my current game for free!".

