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Inside the Making of Portal

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  • Inside the Making of Portal

    Game Developer Magazine has an exclusive article written by the creators of Portal - Kim Swift, Erik Wolpaw, and Jeep Barnett. The article takes a look at the whole proccess of creating Portal, and well, the quote from the Game Developer editors pretty much sums it up.
    From the game's university-created roots through to its Orange Box-ed release, Portal was an exercise in creativity. Here, three members of the eight-person team come together to discuss Valve's iterative playtesting process, the power of simple storytelling, and clever ways to present new ideas to a mass-market audience.
    Gamasutra has a couple extracts from the article up, so go check it out. The two extracts deal with the creation of GlaDOS and overcoming the technical issues of Portal. If you want to pick the magazine containing the article up, it's located in the January 2008 issue. There's also a digital copy of the magazine for those of you anti-social people (kidding.. or am I?).

  • #2
    Just from what they had, I'm actually interested to see the rest now. The behind the scenes details are always nice to read.

