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New TF2 Screens

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  • New TF2 Screens

    CVG got their hands on some tasty new Team Fortress 2 screens. You can either head on over to their site to see the images, or hit the bump for the ones I thought were new and not already on the Internet before.

    [break="view the full image gallery" type="viewnews"]

  • #2
    Not being racist or anything like that at all, but I noticed the demoman is now black


    • #3
      I definitely won't be playing as him now.


      • #4
        DaRk-AnGeL wrote..

        Not being racist or anything like that at all, but I noticed the demoman is now black
        He has been ever since the first footage was shown for TF2...


        • #5
          He must have been playing CS too much, his arms are really really pale.


          • #6
            I don't see races so I had no clue he was black.


            • #7
              It was just an observation :]


              • #8
                damn those screens are beautiful

                might have to upgrade the old video card for this one

                is it just me or does the medic look like a nazi?

                DaRk-AnGeL wrote..

                Not being racist or anything like that at all, but I noticed the demoman is now black
                the demoman is obviously half pirate


                • #9
                  Yes, the medic looks like a Nazi doctor and the soldier looks a bit like a German infantryman, but the African pirate demoman, crazed Russian heavy weapons guy, Austrialian sniper and maniacal 60's American engineer help balance out the racial mix.

                  One can only assume that the Asians are represented by the pyro, who is in fact Japanese, but he's covering his face with a mask out of politeness because he has a cold.

                  Logically, then, the spy should be Columbian or something, but it's kinda hard to tell. The matter of the Scout's ethnicity, however, I'll leave up to you.


                  • #10
                    black guy with 40oz of OE


                    • #11
                      w/e we all love some OE sometimes... its not just brown people

