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THQ Blasts Off With Steam

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  • #16
    Haklin wrote..

    Each of those quality publishers names could be ripped into...Do a bit of research on who actually created Supreme Commander before you continue making further shitty comments.
    Do a bit of research on what a publisher is and what they do before you continue making further shitty comments.

    (HINT: Publisher != Developer)


    • #17
      Steam = great

      The games on Steam = great

      The price of the games on Steam = appalling

      I'd love to download more if only to save from having all that plastic and paper used to make the media that comes with the taking away all those logistics costs, store costs anything that sticks 2 fingers up at "Game" is fine by me ^^

      But considering that the inherent cost of my copy of a downloaded game is probably less than 2c, and Activision tried to charge up to $50, I got extremely put off buying from Steam. As I glance now at the game list, there's a mass of products that are $30 when I can get the boxed copy for $20...legally. Still a "no thanks" from me I think.


      • #18
        And why are the Publishers using Steam? It's pretty much like a developer, Relic, GSC, etc, is getting screwed. First they pay the publisher to publish the game, and then the publisher uses Steam, which saves the publisher money, but not the developer. Thus a larger profit for publisher, and not nearly as much for the developer.

        Steam saves them (Typically developers to publish) cost, so the publisher can charge the developer the cost of publishing over Steam.

        I dislike publishers, with their 'getting the majority of credit' complex by getting more recognition for publishing it than the developer does for creating it. That's what's cool about VALVe, they get the recognition they deserve for the games they put out, not the publisher.

        Anybody else get what I'm trying to say?


        • #19
          Dev: Relic, GSC Game World, etc... are all studios owned (at least in part) by THQ. So the sales should all go in the same pockets as was intended, either way.


          • #20
            Ah, ok. I didn't know they were owned by THQ.


            • #21

