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Visual Overhaul and Upgrade for Steam Forums

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  • Visual Overhaul and Upgrade for Steam Forums

    While this really isn't game related, I found this rather interesting. The Steam Users Forums recently underwent an upgrade to vBulletin 3.6.1 and also a received a brand new color scheme to match the the new website. I even included a screenshot for those of you who may be too lazy to go directly to the forums.

    See, wasn't that nice of me? The forum upgrade comes on the heels of a visual upgrade to the Status section of the website. Presently, the only part untouched by the visual upgrades is the Steam Support section.

  • #2
    Glad to see you're not using IE.


    • #3
      You have too much time on your hands Zips. Shouldn't you be studying for a Psychology test or something?


      • #4
        what type of board did they use before? vbulletin is sexy.


        • #5
          Also, way off-topic, but where did you get that nice looking Windows theme?


          • #6
            HACKER HELL STORM wrote..

            what type of board did they use before? vbulletin is sexy.
            They used an older version of vb.


            • #7
              kerosine99 wrote..

              You have too much time on your hands Zips. Shouldn't you be studying for a Psychology test or something?
              I haven't had Psych since my Freshman year. Thank God.
              HACKER HELL STORM wrote..

              what type of board did they use before? vbulletin is sexy.
              vBulletin 2.3.x was what they were using before. It took quite a long time and a lot of pushing to get vB3.6.1
              DevgruSeal H.E wrote..

              Also, way off-topic, but where did you get that nice looking Windows theme?
              I'll have to get back to you on that one. I'm not at my own computer right now.


              • #8
                ZOMFg I love! It!!!! OMG THE STEAM FORUMS Looks soo OMEGA OWN4G3!!! I LOVE IT!! It look soo clean and new!! AND it alsso display a lot more information and have a lot more features!!! I LOVE IT!! EVERYTHING ABOUT THE NEW STEAM FORUMS IS 1337!!!!

