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HL2Grounds Returns

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  • HL2Grounds Returns

    After the staff of collectively took a ten month long vacation, the crew is back. They're ready (and willing) to serve up some Half-Life related news to you.

    In addition, Planet Half-Life is also trying to renew itself with a brand spankin new layout. You can read the full list of changes here.

  • #2
    I quite like the new PHL layout. I don't feel punished now for the long load time (yeah, its because of my connection, bitch) with ORANGE.

    And RSS am be the extra win. Just replaced the PHL link in my bookmark bar with a nice live bookmark RSS dealy to go with the CS-N one up there. Aaaah, Internettery.


    • #3
      Haha, hopefully will receive the same great looking makeover not too far in the future !


      • #4
        DaRk-AnGeL wrote..

        Haha, hopefully will receive the same great looking makeover not too far in the future !
        That's assuming PF gets restaffed and actually returns...


        • #5
          We can only hope


          • #6
            ...and my submission got rejected?!


            • #7
              azz0r wrote..

              ...and my submission got rejected?!
              you mean


              • #8
                "also trying to renew itself"

                I find this comment odd as I've been visting PHL as long as I've been visiting CSN. They always have updates on the latest happenings in the HL world as well as coverage of all the upcoming mods and such. That's why I check both there and here because often enough both sites have different news/stories/events/updates posted about HL.

                Of course, CSN ftw for anything CS related and PHL couldn't hope to touch CSN's coverage of all things CS but I think the above comment may be a little out of line even when discussing "the competetion's" site.

                I dunno, maybe I'm the only person on tar intarwebz that visits PHL...



                • #9
                  kovah wrote..

                  "also trying to renew itself"

                  I find this comment odd as I've been visting PHL as long as I've been visiting CSN. They always have updates on the latest happenings in the HL world as well as coverage of all the upcoming mods and such. That's why I check both there and here because often enough both sites have different news/stories/events/updates posted about HL.

                  Of course, CSN ftw for anything CS related and PHL couldn't hope to touch CSN's coverage of all things CS but I think the above comment may be a little out of line even when discussing "the competetion's" site.

                  I dunno, maybe I'm the only person on tar intarwebz that visits PHL...

                  I think you are reading too far into it. It seems to be a harmless comment, and it makes sense to use the word renew in this case, "to make as if new again" which is what a redesign of a website is commonly done for.

