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mailbag: august 22nd, 2006

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  • #16
    i thought the mailbag was pretty good, after 2 years its a welcome return (if for no other reason than it keeps the site upto date), good job Zips (Although next time let rizzuh do it, hehe)


    • #17
      A bit overly polite, but a commendable first effort. Only two comments on the actual mailbag; first off, I look forward to killing terrorists with my "little willy" in CS:S2, and secondly, the one part I actually laughed at was this line: "I really don't have a comment. I just wanted to share this with everyone." That was beautiful.
      Gpig wrote..

      worst. mailbag. ever.
      Thanks for keeping the tradition alive. On a side-note, I kind of would like to see Jeepathon concept test map in CS:S, but I'm afraid of where it would go from there.
      Deletable_Man wrote..

      This mailbag is like your average Comments thread only with 60% more Zips.
      I only noticed a 5-10% increase in Zips over normal comments threads.
      ukHazard wrote..

      Wasn't it usually answered by asspennies, rottencrotch, or someone equally unsavorily titled?
      Don't insult our local supermodel asspennies.
      Grimbal wrote..

      Hey that wasnt the whole of my post!, its just like the news on television they only put in the things they want you too hear and see!
      Maybe it's because you're too damned wordy. P.S. I only quoted part of your comment... that's probably bugging you as you read this.
      EviLuoTioN wrote..

      wtf improve the engine instead of the gameplay...lets start with the goddamn hitboxes that are 5 feet off! Stupid valve
      If that were true, the aimbotter that I encountered a while ago wouldn't have been able to hit me, as I'd be hiding safely 5 feet in either direction from his shots. I'm not saying they're perfect (have they ever been?) but they're not that far off either.
      Ava3ar wrote..

      i thought the mailbag was pretty good, after 2 years its a welcome return (if for no other reason than it keeps the site upto date), good job Zips (Although next time let rizzuh do it, hehe)
      Who the hell is rizzuh? Never heard of him. I say we let that mapper guy MikeJ do it next time. Man I loved that desert-themed map he made... what was it called? Dusk? Something like that...

      Anyway, good effort. Once every other year? Heck, that's almost as infrequent as we do new SOTDs!


      • #18
        Know whats really funny. Its when people say the new radar ruins stealth. Now wait a minute, the new radar can show enemy postions but this doesnt ruin stealth. what ruins stealth is you!

        You werent hiding very good if they FUCKING FOUND YOU!


        • #19
          where did my nationalist status go?

