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Beetlesmod released

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  • Beetlesmod released

    Following 6 months of ever more feature rich beta versions, the latest Windows release of Beetlesmod is upon us. Given the length of time in testing and updates, I'll refrain from listing the Lord of the Rings special edition deleted scenes with commentary and free hairy hobbit feet length changelog here, but some of my choice selects include:
    • Complete integration of the wonderful hlstatsx server statistics system

    • Teamkill sound, enabling me to add Cliffe's delightful Teammate Down! Just to underscore your collateral damage

    • Custom models for admins/players

    • Adjust client rates based on those specified via sv_minrate, sv_maxrate, sv_minupdaterate, sv_maxupdaterate

    • BeetlesModPath which allows you to specify where the mod keeps its files - keeping things nice and neat

    • Ability to identify owners of spray decals*

    • Deathbeams* (those lasers that show the trajectory of the bullet that killed you)

    • Generally adding more customization to existing commands, and keeping the mod up to date with all the official updates
    So if you enjoy admining CS:S servers - and who doesn't enjoy parenting thousands of prepubescent angst riddled net thugs - then download the latest version here!

    *After Nemod became dormant I'd like to thank Beetle and Mani for adopting some of fysh's excellent tools, and offer thanks to both for providing the community with consistently updated and essential adminmods.

  • #2
    so basically it doesn't do anything new. yes.


    • #3
      oh entRo, you're such a card


      • #4
        did you hear that Gambit isn't going to be in X-men 3? what is THAT?!

