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Game Informer Interviews Newell & Lombardi

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  • Game Informer Interviews Newell & Lombardi

    As a bit of a follow up to that slice of information a few days back, Game Informer now has the full interview for your reading pleasure!

    Game Informer sat down with Valve's Gabe Newell and Doug Lombardi at this year's GDC. The interview covers a range of topics, including discussions on digital distributions, Team Fortress 2, physics processing cards, and Half-Life 3.
    GI: How often do you think we’ll be seeing new chunks of story and content?

    Lombardi: Episode Two is already in development - we’ll ship it when it’s great. We’re not saying our key strategy for episodic content every four months or every month, or whatever. If the episodes are strong and people like them and sign up for Episode Two, and so forth.

    Newell: They were supposed to be three months apart. (laughs)

    Lombardi: We’ve learned that, once again, we’re better at making quality than trying to keep to a schedule. (laughs)
    Well, I can't say I'm exacty thrilled about the responses they made when hit with the Team Fortress 2 questions. It seems that they at least have a sense of humor about their own scheduling. I'm not exactly sure that will really matter to a number of fans who felt burned by the delays though. But hey, maybe I'm wrong?

  • #2
    change the three month apart to three years apart


    • #3
      "GI: Valve did an Xbox version of Half-Life 2. Were you happy with that?"

      "Newell: That product was the first big retail disappointment we’ve had in the history of the company."

      I had totally forgotten HL2 even HAD a Xbox version.


      • #4
        HL2 Xbox didn't sell well? Shame...

        I was considering picking a copy up since my PC graphics card is so-so.


        • #5
          The Xbox version got some fairly high/decent review scores though.


          • #6
            Problems with Half-Life 2 for XBOX

            1. Came out too late in system's life, came out when hype was built up for 360.

            2. Didn't appeal to people who hadn't played the first Half-Life (there's a bunch)

            3. No multiplay, a key aspect of the XBOX's strengths.


            • #7
              team fortess 2 wont ever come out they havnt updated the TFC now......and FortressForever will be out 1st, and is being made by people who play tfc


              • #8
                skankuser wrote..

                Problems with Half-Life 2 for XBOX

                1. Came out too late in system's life, came out when hype was built up for 360.

                2. Didn't appeal to people who hadn't played the first Half-Life (there's a bunch)

                3. No multiplay, a key aspect of the XBOX's strengths.
                I agree.. Also with a game like Halo2 on the Xbox, a SP-only HL2 simply won't compete/sell.. I think it would have been smarter to delay the console version of HL2 a bit, and release it for the Xbox 360 in great detail with HDR etc.. But tbh I don't care much, I'm a PC FPS gamer.. I do have a Xbox 360 though, I play games like PGR3 etc on it, very cool..


                • #9
                  baconman wrote..

                  team fortess 2 wont ever come out they havnt updated the TFC now......and FortressForever will be out 1st, and is being made by people who play tfc
                  TF2 and Fortress Forever would be very different though, as FF is essentially a TFC port over to the source engine, and TF2 is a sequel.


                  • #10
                    entRo wrote..

                    TF2 and Fortress Forever would be very different though, as FF is essentially a TFC port over to the source engine, and TF2 is a sequel.
                    But what in the world could they add to what is simply class based capture the flag? Team Fortress has no substance beyond that.


                    • #11
                      You would have to have a pretty small imagination to agree with FightingChance's comments.


                      • #12
                        FightingChance wrote..

                        But what in the world could they add to what is simply class based capture the flag? Team Fortress has no substance beyond that.
                        BF1942 was class based conquest gameplay, and BF2 greatly improved upon that. If you just stopped and thought about it for like, 30 seconds, you'd probably come up with something.

                        Or maybe not.

