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AMX Mod X 1.70 Released

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  • AMX Mod X 1.70 Released

    The AMX MOD X team has released 1.70! This version fixes many bugs, adds much more functionality, and massive optimizations. It is now the most feature-packed and fastest version to date. If you don't believe me you can check out their benchmark tests. Users are recommended to upgrade to take advantage of the new features.[break="click here for the HUGE changelog"]- Heavily optimized float operations by adding float ops to the JIT.

    - Heavily optimized string formatting.

    - Heavily optimized ML translations.

    - Added destroyability to newmenus.

    - Added property editing to newmenus.

    - Added event/call forwarding functionality to plugins (like modules).

    - Added amx_mldebug cvar for logging multi-lingual failures.

    - Added new, much faster natives for reading/writing files.

    - Added new, much faster "pcvar" natives for dealing with cvars.

    - Added set_fail_state for plugins to disable themselves.

    - Added auto-channeling to HUD messages and next_hudchannel().

    - Added CreateHudSyncObj() and ShowSyncHudMsg().

    - Added core player property setting abilities for modules.

    - Added get_user_footsteps() to fun.

    - Added ns_get_hive_ability() to NS module.

    - Added dbi_query2() to find number of rows affected by a query.

    - Added player_menu_info() to get both oldmenu and newmenu information.

    - Added unregister_forward() to fakemeta.

    - Added pev_valid() as fakemeta's version of is_valid_ent().

    - Added socket_send2() native for sending binary data.

    - Added get_time_length() stock (Brad).

    - Added replace_all() stock (by jtp10181).

    - Added split() stock (by Suicid3).

    - Added remove_filepath() stock.

    - Added Finnish language support (thanks AavikkoRotta).

    - Added client authorization module callbacks.

    - Updated NS module and include files to Natural Selection 3.1.

    - Updated cvarquery system to cvarquery2. This requires Metamod 1.19.

    - Updated GEOIP library to February.

    - Improved code inspector in AMXX Studio.

    - Improved get_user_attacker() support for 3rd party mods.

    - Improved strip_user_weapons() native.

    - Moved all base plugins to use auto-channeling.

    - Rewrote format() parser for re-entrancy. You can now use %L in lang files.

    - Rewrote language system for speed and integrity.

    - Rewrote adminslots.sma for simplicity - added amx_hideslots cvar (thanks Marticus).

    - Newmenus no longer pass back MENU_MORE or MENU_BACK.

    - Optimized strbreak() and improved matching.

    - Optimized pev()/set_pev() from Fakemeta.

    - Admin-chat from say_team now has a source prefix.

    - Installer now warns users to make sure server is not running.

    - Removed array size detection from debugger.

    - Merged TSFun and TSX back together and fixed various bugs.

    - Fixed throwing knife crash bug on TSX for Linux (Maddo).

    - Fixed bug where native filtering could report the wrong native failure.

    - Fixed in_view_cone() returning the wrong result.

    - Fixed length bugs in and optimized replace().

    - Fixed nvault_prune() crashing and various unpredictable things in nvault.

    - Fixed various serious errors with TFCX causing very random behaviour.

    - Fixed corrupt language files destroying ML system.

    - Fixed many various bugs in AMXX Studio.

    - Fixed various language errors throughout the language translations.

    - Fixed deleting wrong temp file.

    - Fixed stats_logging showing disconnected players.

    - Fixed various run-time errors in statsx.sma.

    - Fixed various TSX and TSFun bugs.

    - Fixed autobuy being used if the restrictions where set after cl_setautobuy.

    - Fixed various compiler bugs and inadequacies.

    - Fixed amx_restrict off and related commands not working.

    - Fixed pausing bug in admincmd.sma.

    - Fixed is_str_num() not working.

    - Fixed bug when voting multiple maps would always fail in mapsmenu.sma.

    - Fixed bug in color checking for statscfg.sma.

    - Fixed "Cancel" button quitting on installer's FTP page.

    - Fixed admin cvar change bug in admincmd.sma.

    - Fixed bug in set_lights() not affecting future players.

    - Fixed get_user_weapon() returning data after strip_user_weapons().

    - Fixed cs_set_user_team() not notifying core of team changes.

    - Fixed cs_set_user_armor() not showing a helmet with CS_ARMOR_VESTHELM.

    - Fixed cs_get_user_armor() not returning the armortype.

    - Fixed AMD64 bug where negative values were not upcasted into forwards properly.

    - Fixed get_players() using flags c and l.

    - Fixed get_user_weapon() failures on 3rd party mods.

    - Fixed bug where get_user_menu could return stale menu ids.

    - Fixed crash bugs with callfunc natives running in debug mode.

    - Fixed crash bugs with dynamic natives running in debug mode.

    - Fixed the JIT crashing on systems with strict-DEP (some Win2k3 and XPSP2 machines)

    - Fixed various bugs in the newmenu system.

    - Fixed NULL string crash bug in forward API.

    - Fixed strcmp() not properly detecting case sensitivity.

    - Fixed md5_file not using base paths.

    - Fixed a bug where a few fakemeta hooks were pre-only (no post).

    - Fixed a bug where fakemeta never cleaned AlertMessage hooks.

    - Fixed pfn_playbackevent() missing a parameter.

    - Fixed plmenu using VALVE_ID_LAN.

  • #2
    Ah, so you got my email about AMX Mod X 1.70.

    Note to all AMX Mod users: Switch to AMX Mod X 1.70, AMX Mod 2005 is crap. It is slow, poorly managed, sloppy, etc. Make the switch!

    Thank you for posting this!


    v3x - AMX Mod X moderator

