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A look at Color Correction

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  • #16
    downloadwhoresk wrote..

    Here are some more subtle examples.

    Normal office:

    "Sad" office:

    You can see I have only shifted the colour slightly, but it completly shifts the mood of the scene.
    Yea, not liking that too much.


    • #17
      Here's some neat shots Wildcat_ZA from the Steam forums took:


      • #18
        Pic of the CC menu:

        It looks to me like it's a really great tool when it's in the right hands (pretty much like nuclear power :P).


        • #19
          tspoon1066 wrote..

          I only see a slight difference on the shutter doors, apart from that naff all.



          • #20
            Yeah, messing around with it a bit, it's clear that you'll be able to make some really great, artsy looking things. Machinima, desktops, etc...

            Maybe even some good POTDs!


            • #21
              The potd today rules.


              • #22
                i see no difference. haha.


                • #23
                  Hi, i not from an english country and I have a question for you guys: What is 'color' and what is 'colour'?

                  Please explain, thanks


                  • #24
                    color = american spelling (oer standard or something) colour = canadian spelling

                    the default CC sucks cause you can't use the colorcorrectionui in servers sicne its a cheat command


                    • #25
                      I wonder why that is :roll:


                      • #26
                        beans wrote..

                        color = american spelling (oer standard or something) colour = canadian spelling
                        It's true that we Canucks spell it like that but it's not called Canadian spelling it's called the English language.


                        • #27
                          myopic counterstrike...



                          • #28
                            There, a very very minor example of what can be done.

                            I'd do more, but time isn't on my side right now. You can read up some more about the CC right here!


                            • #29
                              no, it *IS* a different AA mode. There is a difference between blurring what is there and doing AA differently, and this is doing AA differently. Take a look at the spots I mentioned again, you do *NOT* get those results from simply blurring the worse AA'ed image. The AA is being done in a totally different fashion. If you ever owned a voodoo5 you would know exactly what I'm talking about. Today's AA is done entirely different, it cuts a lot more corners and looks a lot worse. The AA in the CC'ed pics looks a lot like the 3dfx AA, taking care of a lot more artifacts and AA'ing much better. You can tell on the garage doors by the insanely white horizontal pixels being completely gone in the CC'ed image with its different AA. And you can tell in the third set of pics in those bars up in the roof area, in the non-CC pics there are pieces missing everywhere, an artifact called polygon popping. But in the CC'ed pics this isn't happening anywhere near as badly, this is because of a different AA method. This would *NOT* *NOT* *NOT* happen simply from blurring the existing image. The *only* way it will happen is if you're doing your AA differently. Blurring non-existent polygons will not magically recreate the polygons. They have to exist in the first place. And the reason they exist in the CC'ed pic is because the AA is using a different method. Sheesh.
                              Zips wrote..

                              It only appeared as a different AA mode was being used due to the blurring effect. It smoothed all edges (blurred them rather) and textures. Nothing was a vibrant or pronounced because of it.


                              • #30
                                i wonder if this magical effect is completely different in certain video cards from one to the next

