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Optren Sees Another Beta

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  • Optren Sees Another Beta

    The search website that caters only to a gamer's needs, Optren, has been updated to the 0.5 BETA stage. What exactly does this mean? It means there's a lot of new features and a fresh coat of paint at the Optren website!
    Searches no longer even requires the page to be refreshed thanks to new AJAX scripting and have been optimised to appear more quickly and bring more relevant search results. This has been extensively tested on IE 6/7 and FireFox.

    Coming in the next build we're looking to see the 'store' component come to life - allowing you to store cached web pages and news stories in your user account for all time as a snapshot, or as a link for your friends.
    In addition, the site also indexes news from RSS feeds and introduces a "Gaming Dictionary" of some common phrases. Don't forget, the site is still in its BETA stages so feel free to lend them a helping hand by finding and reporting the bugs you find.

  • #2
    Its probobly going to be nice but is it necessary when gametiger and w00t work so well? (for the most part)


    • #3
      doesnt work at all, all sorts of coding errors on their site for me...


      • #4
        Edited by [user="378896"] @ [time="1139226921"]

        which sorts? oh and which browser?

