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Weekly News Update - New Player Models Coming

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  • Weekly News Update - New Player Models Coming

    So, I'm a couple of hours late with this news. You'll have that sometimes when life intervenes. Without further ado, here is Valve's weekly Steam news update that mentions the upcoming release of Kalt for DoD: Source, and two new model selections for CS: Source!
    It appears that the response to this week's release of the Counter-Strike: Source map Militia has been overwhelmingly positive, and we hope the community is having fun playing it. We're also planning on including two new player models, one from each side, to choose from on each side in the next major Counter-Strike: Source release.

    Next week we'll be releasing the new map for Day of Defeat: Source, named Kalt, which we mentioned a couple of weeks ago. Playtesting internally has wrapped up on the map (although we're still playing daily), and we're expecting this sixth map to be one of the more popular releases we've done so far. Also, there will be a Day of Defeat: Source retail box available at software retailers around the start of February. As with all of our games, expect more updates and more content to keep coming.
    Here's to hoping that one of the models is the aforementioned Leet Krew.

  • #2
    Wait a minute, did they just say "two new models"? As in, ENTIRELY new models?


    • #3
      More than likely Source versions of the models from 1.6. Hopefully Leet Krew and one of the unused CT models, but that's just a guess.


      • #4
        ARCTIC AVENGERS !!!! AND SAS !!!!11111111111


        • #5
          I hope the CT model is going to be the SAS that they were going to release a while back but didn't. As for Terrorist. Leet Crew...or Arctic? There ain't to many snow maps for CS:S so Leet would make the most sense for the maps already on there.

          Or, they could do the Middle Eastern Terrorist from CZ in there. It was a cool model, but unlikely to happen methinks.

          Either way, it all good to me.


          • #6


            • #7
              Don't they usually give screenshots if they're close to completion?


              • #8
                pistachio wrote..

                I hope the CT model is going to be the SAS that they were going to release a while back but didn't. As for Terrorist. Leet Crew...or Arctic? There ain't to many snow maps for CS:S so Leet would make the most sense for the maps already on there.

                Or, they could do the Middle Eastern Terrorist from CZ in there. It was a cool model, but unlikely to happen methinks.

                Either way, it all good to me.
                It's already been confirmed that Leet Krew is in and the CZ Arab is out.


                • #9
                  2 new models in the same year?

                  holy hell, valve is on a roll


                  • #10
                    Should be seeing some sweet new winter maps now that they've released the new snow mats for DOD:S.


                    • #11
                      yeah but maybe this is only an announcement, the model will probably be release next year =)


                      • #12
                        Splatula wrote..

                        Should be seeing some sweet new winter maps now that they've released the new snow mats for DOD:S.
                        I hope they start to include falling snow though. It's been far too long since I've seen it done (well) in a game.


                        • #13
                          WoW!!! DOD_KALT NEXT WEEK!!! SWEET!!! Can't wait to see teh awesome new special snow effects! IT WILL OWN!!! DOD_KALT WILL KICKASSES!!!! Oh the two new player models for CS:S! probably the SAS and the 1337 KR3W MODEL!!! DOes models will freakin r0x0rZ!!! Seeing multiple models on screen again will bring back the good ol CS GOODNESS!!!! w00t w00t!! GJ VALVe!!! Keep it up!!!


                          • #14
                            Splatula wrote..

                            Should be seeing some sweet new winter maps

                            Make it so, and if "oops air" goes missing it better be replaced by pop dog airways


                            • #15
                              dude that would be so sick lookin in source.. so much that I went so fucked up as to use "sick".

