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Upcoming Fix for Servers Going Insecure

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  • Upcoming Fix for Servers Going Insecure

    According to Alfred Reynolds, via the HLDS mailing list, a fix for secure servers that spontaneously drop their secure status is in the works.
    Thanks for everyone that responded to my request, the information that I got allowed me to track down the problem. There is a bug on startup that can cause a server to go insecure that we are working on a fix for (if the server fails to connect to the VAC2 backend on its first attempt then the server is wrongly forced into insecure mode even if it can later connect).
    This is certainly some good news to those server admins that have come across this bug.

  • #2
    This is good news, I have to reboot our servers whenever that happens. Oddly though, it doesn't happen the way Alfred is describing. The server will be in secure mode, then at some point (usually after many hours of uptime) it'll suddenly be non-secure.


    • #3
      oh this is good! I have ran servers the last year and had this stupid issue - It attracts the "VAC2 Banned" crowd ... which no one really wants in their server ... It seems though, that making the map change would most of the time work as a fix to get your server secure again.


      • #4
        I thought servers going insecure was happening on map changes, not on server startup... is it just worded badly, or are we talking about two different issues?

