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Militia Released!

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  • #46
    As far as custom maps go they never really do all that well anyway but I remember a couple, but you have to keep in mind that the HL 1 engine is severely limited on the environments it can do. Anyway what comes to my mind is cs_robbery which was set in a bank but had some outdoor areas and definitely wasn't a nitty gritty rundown area, it was a pretty good map.


    • #47
      yea, so basically the map is sexy as hell..but it rapes my computer..


      • #48
        MikeJ wrote..

        As far as custom maps go they never really do all that well anyway but I remember a couple
        de_crookcounty is another one. One of the few maps I recall that have nicely modelled vehicles which are easily recognizable and modern, unlike the rusted-out, flat-tired clunkers that seem to infest most maps.


        • #49
          thumbs up to the hosties for learning how to open doors.
          quanta wrote..

          the rusted-out, flat-tired clunkers that seem to infest most maps.
          the car in the cs_office garage made me laugh


          • #50
            -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

            Either that, or just a de_valvehq, where the terrorists are crazed CS1.3 fans trying to blow up VALVe headquarters for a combination of Steam, the jumping nerf, and "CSS hitbox errors" haha.
            That would be quite clever. =]


            • #51
              evofytr wrote..

              For anyone that hasn't noticed yet, Valve has put another throwback in besides the poop- spammable walls! Give it a go, you can shoot through nearly every surface on the house.

              Throwback? Just realistic. Most bullets do go through drywall and wood. I think its a good thing.


              • #52
                Last I knew, all wooden objects could be shot through in Source (so long as it was just one object and at greatly reduced damage) for quite some time now.


                • #53
                  anyone catch the turtlerock studios building in the background?


                  • #54
                    bozer wrote..

                    Just launch Steam and the update will begin for you. If you already have it open, reopen it.

                    Miltiia is awesome. 10/10
                    thanks man, it owns! seriously good!


                    • #55
                      Well, I was just surprised by the fact that the entire building was penetrable. That's never happened in Source, and it's a welcome change as far as I'm concerned.

                      And I'm damn glad they ditched the industrial theme. It's apparent they've been recycling HL2 textures/buildings/etc in most of their new maps since the initial release. It's obvious they put a lot of work into militia, down to the last detail. I personally love it.



                      • #56
                        just surprised by the fact that the entire building was penetrable.

                        LOL welcome wallhacker delight heaven for wallhacking scumbags then....................

                        also porportions of parts of map seem wrong out fronts far to small an area, kitchen rooms seem massive chunky fat.

                        it does look nice gfx though.

                        shame its not called militia 2 or something as its quite differant tbh.

                        they should of done 1.6 militia exactly on source but valve never learn they have to mess with maps.


                        • #57
                          defuser wrote..

                          dang i was hoping it will explode, oh those good ol' 1.0 days are over
                          yeah. the exploding poop was the staple of it's just..a map with poop in a toiler called militia.


                          • #58
                            Just a thing for the very few people complaining about the change from the square cliffs to the wide open range: Those ugly ass mountains were there because that's the way you had to close off outdoor maps if you didnt have buildings in old HL engine. It was a limitation of the engine. I'm not saying it was intended for mountains or farms or whatever, but there was little choice. =)


                            • #59
                              there's a review up on

                              I think it's pretty fun map actually myself. pretty sweet looking and great! definately haveto drink some booze and have some fun on it this weekend =D


                              • #60
                                Like the map but it can lag and i also realized that they didnt use a 3d skybox they just made the surrounding part of the map basically.

