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Gaming Search Engine

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  • Gaming Search Engine

    Whew, that was some hiatus, wasn't it? Enough with the chit-chat, let's get into some news!

    Optren is a new, gaming only search engine from the Xtra Gaming crew. Catering to the gamer in all of us, the search engine aims to index a number of web pages geared solely towards gaming and the community. Still in its infancy, the search engine is growing larger every day.

    Update: URL updated.

  • #2
    Looks alright but I prefer gametiger.


    • #3
      hmm, it might be cool if the main page wasn't just a "fake-out" image. not exactly news til we can actually use it :\


      • #4

        It was working when I posted the news, and now it's down? Fantastic...

        Nevermind... Either they changed the main page on me, or I didn't get the full URL in?

        Try the new URL now.


        • #5
          main page working again, you'll have to bear with the occasional hiccup while we get server loads adjusted

          appended @ [time="1136425768"]

          BeaMeR wrote..

          Looks alright but I prefer gametiger.
          GameTiger if i'm correct is used to search players and servers? This is a full website search database in the typical sense.

          What's special about it then? Why not just Google?

          Well we automatically remove all pages that reference shopping, casinos, gambling, poker etc - you only get gaming results!

          You can go along to now and try it out with only a TINY index of 750 results, our tests so far have gone up to 50,000 web page indexes.

          By the end of beta you'll be able to search for movies, specific file extensions (.cfg, .dem, .rss anyone?) and images - plus anything else people come up with in the community it's so important to have the input at this phase to make it a useful resource.


          • #6
            ugly interface.. black + green.... yuck

            They should try learning a couple of lessons from Google..

