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TGL Season 5 & CK Cup

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  • TGL Season 5 & CK Cup

    Ryan Robar, of the True Gamers League, passes along word that the 5th season registration is now open. The preseason will start in 2 weeks and teams have 4 weeks to sign up, at which point registration will close for the season. Check out the TGL website for more information.

    Also, as previously reported, Crack Killers have finalized their plans for their CK Counter-Strike Cup. Once enough participants have signed up, regular weekly matches will begin. You can sign up to participate at the CK site.

  • #2
    Who really play in this league? Honestly...


    • #3
      not me =X


      • #4
        I did once, didn't like it... I'm sick of Leagues, all the BS and me and my old clan cheating... GG...


        • #5
          Shouldn't have been cheating then dick swab, that would have solved the whole thing!

          And really, I love Leagues. Scrimaging with ranks is so much better then pubing like a fucktard.


          • #6
            The CK cup was established for those like KiGrind. Everyone knows that playing with your clan against other clans makes you learn a lot more, faster, and more exciting then pissin about with pubs and hackers. It was made for those who want hassle free gaming competitively whilst having an admin always watching the match to avoid any conflict.

            You guys know how it is in big leagues where you have to take it up with an admin and a forum with demos and pictures etc etc etc to try and gain some shred of evidence you were playing against a hacking clan. At least playing in the CKL and Cup you won't have to worry about that and it should make for some good times.


            • #7
              KiGrind wrote..

              Shouldn't have been cheating then dick swab, that would have solved the whole thing!

              And really, I love Leagues. Scrimaging with ranks is so much better then pubing like a fucktard.
              i pity you


              • #8
                TGL is a decent league. Not very well run at times...Robar's a good guy though, I used to be the Main Head Admin, until Robar took over when Advanced folded. Hopefully this will be the season they get things into gear. I would recommend TGL for any new clans that want to get some league experience without getting the crap kicked out of them in CAL.

