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Steam DDoS Attacked

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  • #76
    You know, if someone has a problem running Steam, or problems inside Steam, the solution is not to suddenly declare Steam evil and revert back a generation. The solution is to look for a solution, ASK FOR HELP, and then turn to Valve to help fix the problem. is there for a reason. Valve have put a lot of resources into Steam and it's whole infrastructure and it's STILL IMPROVING. This type of behaviour is not helping.

    Just because there are a few hiccups early on does not mean it's time to give up all hope completely. My little brother does that - the tiniest thing will stop him in his tracks. He's 15. It's childish.

    You can't give up hope just because it's hopeless. You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears and go "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"

    Moan moan moan moan moan blah blah etc. etc.


    • #77
      Nestle wrote..

      I dont mind realy, because I'm on 56k and dont have cs:cz yet. Have to wait for my b-day to get it. But if I get it, and this happens I'm going to be soo mad. Hopefully by the 9th this would all be cleared up because I might be getting DSL and when I want to play and I cant...I garuntee you will hear from me!(Also MSN is ripping me off with $21.94/month,where I can get some Sprint DSL for $25/month!!!)
      i just made the switch dude, the exact switch actually msn dialup to sprint dsl. Hope to have to here soon, you'll like it.


      • #78
        I don't see why people think Steam should be immune to DDoS.

        What a DoS means is 'Denial of Service'. It's basically hogging the bandwidth of a certain IP (or many IPs) so that nobody else can connect to them. It's like asking for 110 kbs of data a million times a second (that's not an exact value, just a guess). Between all those 'junk' requests, true requests can't connect and get anything.

        However, a simple DoS is cured when you simply ignore requests from that IP (this lowers your 'out' bandwidth but you still have it coming in, I think), and you can hunt down that IP in legal court systems and remove the hacker from his computer and shut him down.

        A DDoS is a 'Distributed Denial of Service'. Using a Virus or a Trojan, one person who wants to DoS a certain IP spreads the virus and at a certain time all the infected computers DoS the same IPs at the same time. This is much harder to fight since these people are largely unaware that their computers are doing this, and may in the future want to connect legitimately to this IP.

        For instance, a website offering aimhacks might offer a Trojan that will DDoS Steam. Without even knowing they offer it, maybe.

        For this reason, you can't ban or hunt down all the thousands of IPs that are DoS'ing at the same time because it was caused by a virus or trojan. The real criminal is the one who wrote the virus or trojan.

        The best the population can do is get good virus/trojan protection, update it often, and keep it running, especially when going to any sites where you download anything relating to counter-strike or steam. Or any sites where you download at all. This way you make sure you aren't one of the computers that are 'helping' the DDoS.


        • #79
          Edited by [user="6035"] @ [time="1091472681"]

          Thortok2000 wrote..

          For this reason, you can't ban or hunt down all the thousands of IPs that are DoS'ing at the same time because it was caused by a virus or trojan. The real criminal is the one who wrote the virus or trojan.

          The best the population can do is get good virus/trojan protection, update it often, and keep it running, especially when going to any sites where you download anything relating to counter-strike or steam. Or any sites where you download at all. This way you make sure you aren't one of the computers that are 'helping' the DDoS.
          That's all fine because there's no law yet that put responsibility of what happens with a computer in the owners hand.. Pretty strange really..

          If people could be held responsible if their computers caused damage by helping in DDoSing and virus attacks, people might be forced to actually care about good anti-virus protection on their computers etc.. People are to careless atm..

          I run a anti-virus program I keep automaticly uptodate, I scan for virusses every few days, I use a firewall properly configured, and I scan for ad- and spyware every single day.. All internet users should do the same..


          • #80
            I'd like to quote someone

            "When you get enough people pissed of, its impossible to tell the difference between a DDoS attack and public opinion"


            • #81
              i dont understand what you people are arguing about...esp. since theres nothing u can do about it...

              since steam is the topic i got a q.

              will there be a new steam release or patch? it would save up some time to have a file with all the updates just like before, eg. all the updates up to the first of august 04


              • #82
                In response to #78:

                My estimate is that about 40%, probably more, of the population is online or could get online. I'd say about 30%, probably much less, of the population uses its own computer to do so (not a cyber café or friend's computer or parents' computer, etc.)

                I'd also say about 7% of the population knows how to get anti virus programs and spyware programs and how to keep them running. And of those 7%, not a lot will pay for it.

                I now have Ad-aware and AVG, both of which are free, but aren't quite as good as paid programs. But it took even me a few years to find a good free antivirus program.


                • #83
                  The person that is doing this is probably pissed off that the precious WON servers are being taken down so their CS 1.5 is going to go bye bye. God damn it's about time 1.5 went extinct.

                  So I guess the intentions of this person is to make VALVe think Steam is not operating the way they want it so they extend WON. Stupid little immature brats that need to get Hacked themselves and their processors fried.


                  • #84

