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CPL Summer 2004 Double Elimination

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  • CPL Summer 2004 Double Elimination

    The CPL kicks off full swing today as the best of the best face each other in the double elimination bracket. This post will be updated as new results come in.

    results: lower round 1 — de_aztec

    zF -over- esc :: 13-8

    DiN -over- dodge :: 13-11

    STP -over- Unleashed :: 13-8

    GW -over- s2 :: 13-8

    a5 -over- genki :: 13-2

    UGP -over- Web :: 13-0 Forfeit Win

    MnM -over- RCS :: 13-4

    4D -over- aU :: 13-11

    cuT -over- wfc :: 13-5

    coL -over- ECO :: 13-0

    Eminence -over- Zero Gravity :: 13-0

    soby -over- rxd :: 13-1

    EG -over- reaL :: 13-1

    eQ -over- NinjaStar :: 13-7

    results: double elimination round 1 — de_dust2

    F^ -over- Evolution :: 13-4

    rS -over- GW :: 13-2

    TAG -over- s2 :: 13-0

    g3x over dodge :: 13-0

    Co -over- ECO :: 13-0 Forfeit Win

    Titans -over- genki :: 13-3

    4k -over- coL :: 13-2

    Pandemic -over- a5 :: 13-11

    GG over STP :: 13-4

    TEC -over- MnM :: 13-5

    GK -over- Unleashed :: 13-4

    D-Sky -over- RCS :: 13-0 Forfeit Win

    e7 -over- DiN :: 13-2

    MiBR -over- esc :: 13-0

    Caribone -over- UGP :: 13-3

    mouz -over- Web :: 13-0 Forfeit Win

    EYE -over- Zero Gravity :: 13-0 Forfeit Win

    3D -over- aU :: 13-4

    Evenflow -over- EG :: 13-10

    zEx -over- reaL :: 13-9

    GNU -over- 4DN :: 13-8

    c9 -over- zF :: 16-13

    aTTax -over- Eminence :: 13-6

    u5 -over- cuT :: 13-0

    D!E -over- wfc :: 13-5

    TSG -over- NinjaStar :: 13-3

    Rival -over- rxd :: 13-1

    m5 -over- Equilibrium :: 13-6

    PuntoCL -over- soby :: 13-10

    TAU -over- adrena :: 13-4

    Sublyme will once again be scouring the CPL for Day 3's recap of interviews and media.

  • #2


    • #3
      I watched one of the matchs, but was quickly laged out.

      I was surprised at the skill level the teams were playing at. I thought it was quite sad.

      I always thought if I went to a CPL thing like this I would lose out. But after watching these guys play it makes me laugh.

      Can you guys organize this crap a little better PLEASE. A news posting system is NOT A WAY TO KEEP UP WITH THIS STUFF.

      AND THE FORUM is a horriable place for it.


      • #4
        Go NoA /fanboy


        • #5

          the news is an EXCELLENT place to post updates.


          • #6
            ITS VERY unorganized

            And I am watching a match right now

            with TSG


            • #7
              this is kind of random but what is coL's website? i always forget


              • #8
                KiGrind wrote..

                I was surprised at the skill level the teams were playing at. I thought it was quite sad.

                I always thought if I went to a CPL thing like this I would lose out. But after watching these guys play it makes me laugh.
                You know, they aren't playing the match the entire time they're in the server. They have warmup time, and yea some of the teams there just suck.


                • #9
                  ownage a3d won gaian!!


                  • #10
                    I watched the noL and 3Kings match earlier i saw bullseye so i was like cool i've heard of him i'll spectate him he should do some owning. Boy was i wrong.


                    • #11
                      KiGrind wrote..

                      I was surprised at the skill level the teams were playing at. I thought it was quite sad.

                      I always thought if I went to a CPL thing like this I would lose out. But after watching these guys play it makes me laugh.
                      you're probably new to e-sports then. seriously, it's easier said than done. i thought the same thing when i was where you are a few years ago (that's probably the #1 reason for all of those little cal-o players who say they're cal-i skill). obviously you aren't seeing aces left and right because the CPL matches are strong teams vs. strong teams. i've played scrims against forsaken and shockwave, 2 cal-i teams, and to tell you the truth it ain't easy. also, HLTV is a lot different from what the players see and this is on LAN after all so the players may not be used to the computer they're on.


                      • #12
                        xlokix wrote..

                        and this is on LAN after all so the players may not be used to the computer they're on.
                        Yea I know what you mean, I can play really good on my PC, but when I go over my freinds, who has a completely differnt setup, I don't do nearly as well.


                        • #13
                          i want to test out your mod loki =) im Bowser btw


                          • #14

                            that's useful if some of you want to see the brackets for cs and other games


                            • #15
                              kekekekeke supar marios brob 4 was the ownageing hehe

