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CPL Day 2 & Contest Winners

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  • CPL Day 2 & Contest Winners

    Day 2 of the CPL has come to a close, but rest assured we got it all covered right here at CS-Nation. Sublyme once again snagged some great interviews, and you can check them out right here. Here's a highlight:
    CS-Nation: So what have you been doing to prepare for this CPL?

    Brown: Poker playing. Yeah, we don't really scrim at all. Except we scrimmed U5.

    Simonz: The whole CAL-Premier season we didn't scrim once, and I think we went like 23-1-1 or something, and won the championship.

    Enigma: Yeah we lost one match [laughter]

    Beerz: We didn't scrim once.

    Brown: We're badasses [laughter]
    Read up on the rest of Sublyme's strange encounters at the cpl.

    Oh and by the way, we didn't forget about the Corsair Memory Contest! dragonv4 of California is our first winner, Congratulations! There is still plenty of time to sign up, we'll be announcing more winners in the days to come during the CPL.

    Jump to Interview

    TDG & aa | zEx | c1 & coL | e7 | TEC

  • #2
    Damn :-(

    I bet its riged were only CS-Nationalist payers win


    • #3
      Who knows, it's possible :P

      Still 3 more to go, have hope everyone.


      • #4
        the last contest no cs-nationalists won


        • #5

          Well, they should have special contests for specialist only as well to help promote it. :-)


          • #6
            Well I didn't win the first day, so I can say with a bit of confidence that the random luck outside chance is gone, it's either the first one or nothing. So it's time to go on vacation for the next 3 days


            • #7
              I must say sublyme, I am very pleased and impressed with your coverage. GotFrag always prided itself on great coverage and information, but ever since the new site was launched, GotFrag seemed to lose a lot of their originality and supreme coverage.

              You really are doing an excellent job getting coverage from all levels of the CPL, and I'm really proud you were my predecessor and replacement on the eSports coverage on this site ;p


              • #8
                Sublyme is old school. He's been around CS-N for like two years.


                • #9
                  gj Sublyme, I enjoyed it.


                  • #10
                    omg i want that memory


                    • #11
                      omg I want that memory


                      • #12
                        omg I need that memory


                        • #13
                          yeah, what dchozn said. only 384mb SDRAM (vomits all over keyboard)


                          • #14
                            I think it's safe to say almost everyone who entered really wants that RAM, includeing me.

                            I'm spending all my money on a new system I need to play any of the new games comeing out (and most of the new ones now) winning this RAM would be a big help for me.

                            Good luck guys.


                            • #15
                              "I was then surprised to run into Mr. Jason Lake, the owner of team compLexity. While we didn't discuss some topics of interest, he was more than reasonable with my questions and he answered very honestly. His professionalism was unlike any other esports manager or owner I've met to date, aside from perhaps Torbull. I grabbed an interview with Mr. Lake as you can see below."

                              No bds!?

