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Summer CPL 2004 Recap

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  • Summer CPL 2004 Recap

    Tom's Hardware Guide has published an elaborate recap of the recently held Cyberathlete Extreme World Championships. An accompanied interview with the one and only Angel Munoz discussing the background, future plans, advice to LAN organizers, and much more are included.
    THG: Do you have more advice for the LAN organizers out there that are trying to get to the size of the CPL?

    Angel: When you launch a business you had better finance that business for two years because everybody can make it through the first year. But if that second year and you cannot break even or you can't make it past that second year, you are in trouble. But if you think you could be having trouble you should be financed for five years which is what we did. Our financing was for five to six years. We were able to go through years that were great and the years that we were terrible. We carried a loss for over a million dollars. This event is a million dollars.
    All in all, this is definitely worth the time for those who did not experience the event. The added pictures are a great bonus, so do not miss out on this informative article.

  • #2
    very nice read


    • #3
      if all goes bad the first years, you can just charge the cal players!


      • #4
        xlokix wrote..

        if all goes bad the first years, you can just charge the cal players!
        Uhhh, no thanks. I don't play to play in CAL :-P

        Also, yeah becoming CPL, haha. I would need to finance for like freaking the end of my life.... But yeah I know what they mean. Money is everything. My bussiness running fine, just because we plan stuff, and keep it running. Like they say, "Money doesn't grow on trees." Got to keep it going. So yeah, CPL good example of running a LAN

        Money sucking CALers..


        • #5
          oh wow $5 big fucking deal. unless you're either so poor that you cant pay it, or you wasted it on a hamburger at McDonald's, stop fucking crying. its only $5.


          • #6
            i am poor..


            • #7
              u forget that money will be going towards the CAL admins, many of whom are good people and have been working for the league for free, for years now. they're the ones organizing, settling disputes, and helping to keep the league together. it's also a good way to keep out crap teams that forefit every other week, and gives a great incentive towards compeitition. if you don't want to pay the 5$, there are PLENTY of other free cs leagues.

