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GD sponsors compLexity Syndicate

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  • GD sponsors compLexity Syndicate

    compLexity Syndicate, which should be well known by now, has announced its newest corporate sponsor, Game Daemons (which made headlines earlier).
    The Syndicate is very honored to announce Game Daemons as a new corporate sponsor. Game Daemons is known world-wide as the leader in the gaming server industry, and was recently acquired by Speakeasy ( This powerful combination of service providers now provide compLexity with the best gaming servers in the world.
    Check out the full information here.

  • #2
    fack i need a server


    • #3
      They need more wins in CAL-IM. D:


      • #4
        Dchozen, please stop posting about Complexity. Its just ONE team out of the thousands out there, and we dont really care to hear every time it gets a new member or sponser.


        • #5
          Yes honestly, they don't deserve this much attention. Tone down with them a bit please.

          Anyhow my question is, the man [coL|1] has so much money and can already provide his team with servers, why does he need a sponsor that provides mainly gaming servers?


          • #6
            lol give this shit clan its on CSN category so I can disable it plzkthx.


            • #7
              Agreed - let them prove themselves first.


              • #8
                orion wrote..

                Yes honestly, they don't deserve this much attention. Tone down with them a bit please.

                Anyhow my question is, the man [coL|1] has so much money and can already provide his team with servers, why does he need a sponsor that provides mainly gaming servers?
                Michael Jordan has enough money to buy shoes why does Nike need to sponsor him????


                • #9
                  superm0nk wrote..

                  Michael Jordan has enough money to buy shoes why does Nike need to sponsor him????
                  Nike sponsors him because he was such a legendary player, so everytime the man breathes hes an opprotunity to advertise for them.

                  The complexity syndicate has yet to prove themselves as an amazing team. The only thing they have proved, is they have the money to get what they want. How come GameDaemons didn't sponsor 8Ball?


                  • #10
                    Do you see the attention that syndicate is getting? They're hiring players and getting their name out in the open. Game Daemons wants in on that spotlight. They're in the news, hell, look how many times they've been mentioned on CSN in the past three weeks. How many times has 8Ball been mentioned?


                    • #11
                      Complexity doesn't deserve all the attention though. They have yet to accomplish anything amazing. The only thing it [coL] has done was pull well known players together. Everyone expected some unstoppable force, but they still got shut down.

                      What other CAL-IM teams get covered on CSN?

                      If you answered none to that question, what honestly makes coL deserve this coverage. I'm going to wait for them to prove something before I jump on their band wagon.


                      • #12
                        I think you just completely shifted your argument.

                        I really couldn't give less of a shit about any of these clans. If they deserve the coverage doesn't matter, the fact that they are getting it is why Game Daemons is sponsoring them.


                        • #13
                          superm0nk wrote..

                          Michael Jordan has enough money to buy shoes why does Nike need to sponsor him????
                          Because he's black and Nike didnt want to say no to a potential criminal.


                          • #14
                            Smurfzilla wrote..

                            Because he's black and Nike didnt want to say no to a potential criminal.
                            hehe "true dat G".

                            orion wrote..

                            Complexity doesn't deserve all the attention though. They have yet to accomplish anything amazing. The only thing it [coL] has done was pull well known players together. Everyone expected some unstoppable force, but they still got shut down.
                            isnt it obvious? complexity paid CSN to keep them in the spotlight here. since this is a very popular site "with millions of advertising impressions per month" as mr rZe so eloquently puts it, the manager of col is obviously business minded and thought this site would be a great opportunity to passively advertise. provided he could "persuade" the CSN staff.

