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Contest: Ritual CS:CZ Cards

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  • Contest: Ritual CS:CZ Cards

    CS-Nation recently received a large batch of Ritual Entertainment Counter-Strike: Condition Zero trading cards, and we decided to give them all away for free in our latest contest! Just sign up and stick around till next Friday, 15 lucky people chosen at random will win! The top three winners will receive cards and packs signed by Ritual Entertainment employees. Full details can be found at the contest page. This contest is for CS-Nation members only. Already a member? Then enter the contest silly! The winners will be announced next Friday, June 18th.

    In related news, if anyone can read Arabic please go help Levelord! I think he locked himself in a dungeon again.

  • #2
    it is now time for xlokix to be king of the playground, for i will win those counter-strike trading cards


    • #3
      Do I get the condom too?


      • #4
        HAHAH well at least we know it isnt used =D


        • #5
          Is the condom mikej's way of trying to prove that he is getting laid? Cause its not working!


          • #6
            Special thanks to John 'rizzuh' Jensen for providing the pictures!


            • #7
              Do I get the condom too?
              Do we?


              • #8
                What scares me is not the condom, but the fact that there is a condom AND a cat


                • #9


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Those pictures are daft.


                      • #12
                        I hope when I win the cards which I obviously will(ask anyone, 4o7 is great at drawings) I hope I don't get the ones that the cat was sitting on~


                        • #13
                          first, the condom was obviously planted

                          second, is that the small variety

                          finally, what chick isnt turned on by condition zero cards?


                          • #14
                            It looks as though the arabic script treads as tabariyyah, but s its some highly styylised modern forma rabic i cannot be certain, the resoloution is not good enough , for a non indigenous arabic speaker such as myself to distinguish enough of hte characters to get a full 'mind picture' of the text. Sorry.

                            It could be, Kabariyah, the last two characters are pretty strange to me. The first im now certain is a 'calf' a Ckq sound, very deep fromt he back o0fthe throat. Not a t which I thought earlier.


                            • #15
                              Ghengis wrote..

                              It looks as though the arabic script treads as tabariyyah, but s its some highly styylised modern forma rabic i cannot be certain, the resoloution is not good enough , for a non indigenous arabic speaker such as myself to distinguish enough of hte characters to get a full 'mind picture' of the text. Sorry.

                              It could be, Kabariyah, the last two characters are pretty strange to me. The first im now certain is a 'calf' a Ckq sound, very deep fromt he back o0fthe throat. Not a t which I thought earlier.

