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New quarry version

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  • New quarry version

    Ok, as promised, here is a new version of quarry with some fixes based on the community feedback.

    I've added a vent between both sites as an alternate route as well as slowing the T down a few seconds from both sites. In addition, a number of clipping problems and some small tweaks to the models have been included.

    The T's should make it to B in about 17 seconds. The CT, in about 15. Both teams should reach their ends of the A choke after 15 seconds.

    Please let me know if there are any other problems, or if the timing needs a bit more work. Unfortunatley I don't have the resources to playtest right now, so your feedback is certainly welcome.

    You can download version 2 here.

  • #2
    a minor "issue", really... dunno if I'm the only one, but I've discovered 2 lamps that float - when they should be sitting on the wall instead. it's in the area before you enter the building that leads to area A (coming from t-spawn)... I've sent you a pic, dunno if that'll reach you.

    there are many boxes and other crawlable stuff that are just out of reach of a one-man-crawl... that's kinda sad, cause I love to crawl. and most servers don't use sv_gravity 100 hehe (all those roofs and pipes are excellent!)


    • #3
      thanks narby for listening and working with the community!


      • #4
        first off - love the changes to CT spawn and the fix so that people can't crawl unerneath the trucks

        so far I have only encountered one issue

        the vent that connects the two bombsites is a bit windy. If you start at the vent opening it takes just as long to go through the vent as it would to just run around (about 20 seconds)

        perhaps the vent could be more direct or part of it could be larger to allow players to run through part of it and not crawl the whole way.

        haven't been able to try out the practicallity of the vent much as no public servers really are running it right now but from a timing standpoint it looks pretty useless.


        • #5
          Update fixed alot of problems, made things much more w00t. But there is still the problem when you throw a nade into the concrete block that holds up the water tower. If you throw it there it disappears.


          • #6
            narby, why do you still have the old version on the ftp..... csnation (and other sites) still links to that and thus people are still downloading the old version

            oh and could you "accidently" put aztec2 back up on the ftp. I'd <3 you for life.


            • #7
              works great with all the normal bots.. but when I try to run the map in condition zero the bots will not analyze the map.. and when I force them to do so the game freezes.. not sure what causes this.. but the map is great otherwise.. I have my friends running this on their server now.


              • #8
                Really nice one. Too bad I couldnt find any good ping server with it.

                Long A seems like it wont have much action. It looks like it's much better for the CTs to wait the T's at A, as there is only one entrance to it. In fact, site A seems to be really hard for Ts.

                B looks very good. It looks like the door will be used a lot, unlike Office's one. But I agree with Hyl3riD, the vent could be shorter or wider, as CTs take quite a long time to reach B.

                Anyway, thanks a lot, Narby. Looking really sweet.


                • #9
                  I would have a question for ya?

                  Is the de_quarry.nav file embedded into the de_quarry.bsp file?

                  When I'm loading this level (first release), the game don't have to analyse to make a .nav file and its loaded just right. And I can't find this file on my computer so...?

                  I installed the second release you did too and now it tells me in console that bots could work badly because the.nav is wrong version.

                  This is on a CZ server by the way.

                  What I did to fix it is this:

                  I rename the map files to de_quarry2.bsp and .txt and I loaded it again. This time, the server take some time to analyse the map and to create a de_quarry2.nav file in my maps folder just as usual.

                  So from now, I will be hosting this map as de_quarry2 on

                  mws5 - Condition Zero server since we are sometimes loading bots there and the server will crash if the bots are dumbs.

                  Feedbacks about this would be appreciated.

                  Thanks, BoSsS


                  • #10
                    don't know where to ask this but......

                    when is aztec 2 coming out? will it be in the steam update this week?


                    appended @ [time="1087019638"]

                    oooops too late azzy 2 has been leaked......

                    well i've played it on some servers... good times, can't wait for the "official" release


                    • #11
                      Are you still making maps for cs?


                      • #12
                        It's been a year and a half!


                        • #13
                          over two years now


                          • #14
                            Coming up on three!

                            appended @ [time="1185345650"]

                            More than three!

