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Half-Life 2 Interview

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  • Half-Life 2 Interview has spoken with Valve Software's Doug Lombardi concerning (what else?) Half-Life 2. The conducted interview contains nearly everything a HL2 fan might be interested in, with the following a sampler of what is in store:
    Eurogamer: What does Half Life 2 have that other first-person shooters don't?

    Doug Lombardi
    : I still think that people aren't spending enough time with story and character development in shooters. I still look at the majority of shooters and say they're shooting galleries. Right, there's been some really good World War II stuff that's come out, Call of Duty being the most recent one, I think Infinity Ward did a great job with that, and I was about to give you an idea when the last time I really spent any good time with, and I think that and Top Spin were the last ones I spend time with. But they did a great job of recreating the mood of that time period and whatnot, but you really didn't care about them.
    More interesting questions in this quite lengthy read concerns a Half-Life movie, but do not get your hopes up as Mr. Lombardi labeled every script for a possible HL film to be downright "awful". Regardless, make sure to check this interview right away.

  • #2
    Nice. After that awesome vid yesterday, I just can't get enough of this crap right now. I'm so psyched about HL2. I got a little disheartened after all of the delays and the leak, but now I can hardly wait to get my hands on this game. Christ, I hope they make the late summer release. And I hope they do make a Half-life movie, even if it sucked.


    • #3
      Good interview. Pieces of the puzzle that is HL2 have been coming together lately - A sign of a quickly approaching release date methinks!


      • #4
        Because I've been pimping it...

        That's got some cool HL2/VALVe related pictures, and some interviews with VALVe guys.

        But yeah, caught the Eurogamer i'view a while ago, and it's pretty good.


        • #5
          Thanks for the link, Nighthawk. Very interesting.


          • #6
            Nice read..if you want to know a bit more goto fileplanet and download the interview with Doug too.


            • #7
              DocUK wrote..

              A sign of a quickly approaching release date methinks!
              youthinks very obviously


              • #8
                y'know that was a pretty good interview. But those y'know's got boring after a while y'know?


                • #9
                  y'know you're right y'know. It was a great interview - very informative, y'know? Sometimes you get all the answers you want, and sometimes not, y'know?


                  • #10
                    i know.


                    • #11
                      Part of that interview talked about a HL movie. Not a good idea at all


                      • #12
                        This interview really doesn't ask why HL2 has been delayed for nearly a YEAR! The first "release date" was disclosed by the BBC that it would be released September 30th. Now I am well aware of this HL2 sourse code leak. Yet then again wouldn't that prompt a even faster release since the code leaked would be useless once the full version was out? There is also a thought in the back of my mind that perhaps the Valve Co. had made a huge mistake and made up this "hacker" source leak in order to gain plenty of time to rethink and makeover there mistake (being so huge as to delay the game a large amount of time). That it would be smarter just to say someone hacked the source code instead of looking stupid for a fatal mistake done while doing the alpha stages... These are all my opions to this deal here... you all can sort out any combo in your mind. I just happen to smell something fishy about this HL2 ever being released.



                        • #13
                          Well, I hardly think Valve would have leaked the source code themselves and then blamed it on anonymous hackers just to save face. I think the existence of the leaked "beta" easily proves that they were indeed hacked. As far as missing the September 30th date, Doug Lombardi goes into a little more detail about it in a video interview from a couple of days before E3 available on fileplanet. Basically, he says Valve knew that they were way behind and couldn't possibly make the 30th. At least in this interview somebody called them on the fact that they insisted they would make that date publicly as late as August 31st. The explanation of why they claimed that it wouldn't be delayed is kinda weak. But after the leak, understandably they had a lot of extra work to do. The extra time spent on HL2 can't hurt, it can only make the game better. Maybe I'm being naive or gullible, but I really believe that the game will finally be out by late summer.


                          • #14
                            aliens are conspirating to delay hl2 y`know


                            • #15
                              They delayed HL2 because they wanted to make the best game possible, as well as close up anything that hackers could expose from having the source so early.

                              People that complain about games being delayed are the same ones that would bitch about bugs and deminished storyline/gameplay if it were released early.

