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Steam Update - May 5th 2004

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  • Steam Update - May 5th 2004

    An update to the Steam client has just been released. Steam will update itself automatically when you restart. Here is a list of the changes as posted by cliffe on the Steam website:
    • improved monitor window to be more responsive and show individual cache downloads

    • email validation dialog changes

    • improved retrieve password wizard behavior

    • don't require email validation when re-installing a game you already own

    • fixed config file corruption causing structured exception error
    It's always good when Valve updates Steam, even if it doesn't include any real changes to the games.

    Just be sure to restart Steam to get the update.

  • #2
    They should work on Friends stability


    • #3
      They should add a fully functional MP3 / Ogg / CD player and an in-game IRC client to Steam.

      Also, on the main menu of all Steam games, there should be clock so you can see what time it is without closing your game.


      • #4
        I find it amusing that the community seems to whine constantly about the multitude of bugs in Steam, but whenever they fix a few of the less major ones, people act as if they're annoyed. Such a fickle group of people you are...

        On a side-note, what's wrong with using Winamp in the background while playing your Steam games? I use a Gravis Gamepad to control the music playback/track skipping and such, and can happily listen to tunes while playing CS if I'm in that mood.

        Friends stability, though... yes, that would be nice. Kind of funny when my roommate and I both log on to Steam and can see some other people, but not each other.


        • #5


          • #6
            I use winamp too and use the controls on my bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse to skip tracks and change volume and stuff.

            I'm just glad we were able to get this update without steam gettin congested again.


            • #7
              Like Jason X said: "It's always good when Valve updates Steam, even if it doesn't include any real changes to the games."


              • #8
                Well, it not always good when they update Steam. One update fooked up D3D so anyone running on D3D couldn't play Steam games for a month. Other Steam updates (from when it first launched) caused the whole network to crash for the day. T's hit-or-miss with Steam, most of the time it's fine but then once or twice they'll update it and right-royally fook it all up.


                • #9
                  why dont they fix this bug !!!!



                  • #10
                    Edited by [user="28333"] @ [time="1083813716"]

                    i think there should be more nifty litlle do-dads, like a mp3 player and a clock on all the menus.

                    what would be cool is like a toolbar that controls crucial aspects like mic volume, music volume, game volume, and other stuff like that. and all this would be controlled ingame by just pressing a key ingame and using three keys to navigate or via console key and use mouse.

                    winamp causes me to get kicked off, plus i like to skip certain songs. also my winamp skin uses memory like crazy

                    #8... these are steam fixes... not CS!


                    • #11
                      I restarted and can't load steam again. Painkiller released a patch today that stopped me from being able to play it, I think I might have to get the cracked engine.dll for painkiller or something to play it. I like the idea of having to used a cracked file to play a game I bought.

                      This. Is. Awesome.

                      Oh well, I need to get to bed anyways :P


                      • #12
                        since the steam update i cant connect (to steam) my server is running fine though. the steam forums are full of people complaining about it right now.


                        • #13
                          You guys know Winamp has universal hotkeys right?


                          • #14
                            most people dont, steam seems fine for me, only problem is work, we havent been able to update 8pc's since last wednesdays update


                            • #15
                              pointless updates, fix CS dammit.

