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Condition Zero Content Update?

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  • Condition Zero Content Update?

    In a Steampowered thread, Jess Cliffe (co-creator of Counter-Strike) has indicated that Valve is now working at Condition Zero content (models, skins, maps, weapons), and there is a possibility that Condition Zero will be updated. New weapons, skins, models, and maps are a good possibility indicated here and here.

  • #2
    Edited by [user="162139"] @ [time="1082486463"]

    About time cz has been a let down because of no new skins


    • #3
      Edited by [user="37756"] @ [time="1082520494"]

      I smell a ban or something coming.

      Good to see Valve listened to the community for once. At least I think they did. Not like they really had a choice, please the customer or else.

      Hopefully the update comes out soon. Seems like good news to me.

      Heh... buddy removed his first comment post after I posted about the possible ban. All is well.


      • #4
        Nice! Looking forward to this and new it had to be coming


        • #5
          -SDc-Match wrote..

          I small a ban or something coming.

          Good to see Valve listened to the community for once. At least I think they did. Not like they really had a choice, please the customer or else.

          Hopefully the update comes out soon. Seems like good news to me.
          They have listened quite a bit. So do NOT say that they haven't when they have. Just because you "might" have a grudge against valve doesn't mean you can just take some credit away from them just because you don't like them. They have helped the community great. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them.


          • #6
            this is obviously not to make the current customers happy but rather attract news ones because of poor sales.

            im also tired of ppl saying "its about time valve listened" when they paid rights to an amatuer MOD and have listened since. just because they didnt throw away steam the second you were unhappy doesnt mean they havent listened


            • #7
              Sounds good to me


              • #8
                I miss the old days when they use to come on to our GSP's boards and tell us all about the changes they were going to make :P


                • #9
                  Yay! Can't wait!


                  • #10
                    David Johnston wrote..

                    Yay! Can't wait!
                    "" for emphasis


                    • #11
                      I don't get it. Why do this now...after the game is released? Isn't the smart thing to do is release new material before a game is released. Also the new material(which is a lot of material) is being released very quickly, which shows how hard and fast Turtle Rock Studies inc. worked on cz. I bought CZ, and it really sucks...i mean only new maps and single player is a ridiculous board game that offers u no real benefit or fun. Game Devs, when making a game, release all the material u can before going Gold.


                      • #12
                        has anyone been lucky with getting a "borrowed" CZ to work with a HL/CS cd key?


                        • #13
                          Mmm.....It sounds good.


                          • #14
                            Pharlap wrote..

                            has anyone been lucky with getting a "borrowed" CZ to work with a HL/CS cd key?
                            what are you talking about?


                            • #15
                              #10: There was a lot of pressure to put out what they had being that this game was already delayed for as long as it was. And even if they wanted to delay the game further, how much material is "all the material [they] can"? Ideas and improvements that can be made are infinite, so developers need to make cutoffs or games would never get finished.

