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VAC Bans Ramp Up

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  • #91
    Aim@Me8284 wrote..

    Really Important Issue here...

    Will VAC ban for skins or custom sounds???

    I skin a lot and change sounds, this is not cheating but I heard rumors that this could become bannable too, I really wish Valve would clear this issue up, come on cliffe please if you tell us where we stand on skinning then be so much appreciated :-)
    not going to happen.. that would exclude a huge part of the community, and the reason why many people play


    • #92
      Well thanks to the response of my last post, its at least put my mind to rest a little, and, at 12.30 in morning here means ill sleep a bit better tonight

      I guess then as long as were sensible and use normal skins and not 'big' or 'colourful' skins then we should be alright.



      • #93
        hmmm with all this progress and work on VAC, mebe valve finished up with hl2???


        • #94
          yeah and playing a tactical marketing waiting game scam thing <[/speculation only!]


          • #95
            Stiffer wrote..

            jezus forgave mankind when he got crusified. CAN WE FORGIVE CHEATERS REALLY EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES
            He was a fool and NO.


            • #96
              cliffe wrote..

              You guys are assuming we don't already do that.


              • #97
                Dirk wrote..

                If they do they will lose THOUSANDS of customers.

                EDIT: I WILL NOT pay to play a game online.
                I always said that, but then Star Wars galaxies came along adn Lo i saw the lgiht, verily tis a mighty powerful device ro the control of the masses, I obey, Sony Entertainment!
                shurcool wrote..

                Thortok2000, that's a good point. Or a nice try...

                But I believe that that 'noob' should indeed be banned for a year (Why 1 year? I thought it was like 5 or 7?) because he *DID* cheat. It doesn't matter if he threw out the hack the next day (YEAH RIGHT, THIS WILL *SO* NOT HAPPEN - he'll be hooked on it, so why go back to 'noob' when you can be 'pro'?), because if you cheat, you're banned. It's not qualitative or quantitative. If someone cheated for 5 secs, does that make it ok? Yes? Well, what if he cheated for 6 seconds? A minute? A round? A CAL-m match? NO! It's not.

                So, again, IMO, the above argument disqualifies Thortok2000's point.

                Instead of letting these 'noobs' get hacks and get banned, you should instead mash it in their little brains that if they hack, even if for one millisecond, they *WILL BE BANNED FOREVER*. Kind of harsh, maybe, but effective and for a good purpose in the end.
                Ban em all, sue them for breach of contract,. then trace their ips and send rizzuh round to sit on them.


                • #98
                  Haha Die cheaters


                  • #99

                    I'm not against what you're saying and it doesn't seem like you were against me either.

                    If a noob hacks for one milisecond he should be banned. I just feel it should be instantly, or asap, instead of silent ban and wait a bit. That'd get the message you're talking about into their heads much more efficiently.


                    • Thortok2000 wrote..

                      I think the 'silent ban' method would catch more cheaters, but the simple 'ban asap' method would prevent more cheaters.

                      Take some newbie who got owned 50 times in one day. He's never hacked before, but he's getting sick and tired and his frustration level has reached the roof. He wants to kill that annoying jerk that keeps headshotting him wherever he goes.

                      He looks up some hack sites. And here's the difference:

                      With Silent Bans, the sites will say the hack is clean. He'll hack for that one day against that one guy, throw away the hack, and then a few days later, be banned for a year.

                      Without Silent Bans, he'll be hard pressed to find a site that DOES say it's clean. He'll think twice about hacking at all to begin with, when he can't even find one that VAC doesn't already detect.
                      good points.

                      so maybe having a mix of silent and instant bans would be a better solution.


                      • It's all about how many times they want to update VAC.

                        If they want to stay ahead of the cheaters, finding and banning every hack as soon as they can, they won't need silent bans. If a person who wants to hack simply can't find a hack to hack with, then all is well.

                        If, however, they wanna update rarely, once a month or whatever, then they should wait a few days once they insert the detections. It'll catch all the people who have been using that hack since the last update.

                        If the next update won't come for a month, silent bans are better because it will catch those who would just not hack until the hack was updated. If the next update will come as soon as the hack is updated, then it will prevent hackers alltogether.

                        Again, it really depends on how often they want to update.

