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Fatal1ty Interview

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  • Fatal1ty Interview

    Johnathon "Fatal1ty" Wendel, of Quake 3, Unreal Tournament 2003, and obviously Counter-Strike fame, has been interviewed by mymtw. This particular interview pertains to his CS clan, iFate, and how it came to be. In addition, said interview also addresses some future plans, routines, and much more. Your first big event was the Cyber X Games, which evolved into a giant chaos. However, you did win your Show match versus Forsaken and take home $10,000. Was it a big deal for you to win against your old team and were you happy with iFate's effort during the match?

    Fatal1ty: Of course I was extremely happy and thrilled. It meant a lot to me and just doing that alone has secured my CS dignity. It proves that I was ready to play at a very high level of CS and I was just waiting for the chance to prove myself.
    From someone who regards Quake 3 as "one of the best games ever", this interview is somewhat intriguing to see Fatal1ty's views towards Counter-Strike. Interested? Cl1ck right here.

  • #2
    do not post comments such as "IM FIRST!1111 YTAEAHH" or get teh ban.


    • #3
      this is the second time. Just gas this idiot.

      I'm glad to see Fata1ity is doing well. He's a very chum fellow.


      • #4
        From someone who regards Quake 3 as "one of the best games ever"
        umm thats because q3 is one of the best games ever...!


        • #5
          thank god that everyone isn't a flaming CS fanboy who believes that no other game can come close to beating the crap that CS has turned in to.

          q3 is thousands of times better than cs. now people want a pro-mode for CS, which as the UKT article mentioned, Q3 already has.

          now i know someone is gonna say, "there's not a lot of people that play q3" and while this may be true compared to CS, consider how much more newb-friendly CS is.

          dchozn, i hate you, you obviously don't like q3.


          • #6


            • #7
              Haklin wrote..

              umm thats because q3 is one of the best games ever...!
              for deathmatch bloody mayhem, i think q3 is a tough one to beat.


              • #8
                dchozn, i hate you, you obviously don't like q3.
                when have i said ive disliked q3? maybe it was implied, but if it was, it was unintentional. now go back and jump 150 times while grunting like a madman whilst carrying a gun 112893 times the size of your body mass that shoots a swirly purplish/teal bright thingy a bobber.


                • #9
                  Edited by [user="986"] @ [time="1081625861"]

                  DchozN wrote..

                  when have i said ive disliked q3? maybe it was implied, but if it was, it was unintentional. now go back and jump 150 times while grunting like a madman whilst carrying a gun 112893 times the size of your body mass that shoots a swirly purplish/teal bright thingy a bobber.
                  <massive fucking sarcasm>my bad, cs is all about realism isn't it.</massive fucking sarcasm>

                  p.s. you know the grunting turns you on. i know i just can't get enough of sarge's moaning either. and we all know that zero4 > fatal1ty


                  • #10
                    Jesus christ, people should not be interviewing so called "pro-gamers" such as this, and inflating their already falsely oversized egos. I wish I could find that picture I saw awhile ago of Mr. Fatality here putting on his "hard man" face for a statement about his "FatPad" mousepad. The best part was, he ended his arrogant little speech with "Johnathon 'Fatal1ty' Wendel - Fatal1ty Inc."

                    Now if that isn't a barrel of laughs, then I don't know what is.


                    • #11
                      quake 3 is awesome, so is cs

                      end of story


                      • #12
                        Solid Snake 88 wrote..

                        Jesus christ, people should not be interviewing so called "pro-gamers" such as this, and inflating their already falsely oversized egos. I wish I could find that picture I saw awhile ago of Mr. Fatality here putting on his "hard man" face for a statement about his "FatPad" mousepad. The best part was, he ended his arrogant little speech with "Johnathon 'Fatal1ty' Wendel - Fatal1ty Inc."

                        Now if that isn't a barrel of laughs, then I don't know what is.
                        He's one of the most successful gamers in the world, and probably the most successful in NA, how is he not a pro-gamer? Since when are advertisements NOT arrogant? Commercials don't say "Buy this SUV, it's not as safe as the other companies SUVs but buy it." "This TV has decent picture quality, we don't want to boast." Stay away from advertising.

                        That's not a barrel of laughs, and no you don't know what it is. His name is Jonathon Wendel, his alias that has gained him his fame is Fatal1ty, excuse him for following the way nicknames are usually placed in a name. He also owns his own gaming company, I'm not entirely sure what they make besides the Fatpad, but it's an advertisement for a product made by HIM and HIS company, so he states HIS name and HIS company.

                        Barrel of laughs!

                        Edit: No.


                        • #13
                          UncleFu wrote..

                          <massive fucking sarcasm>my bad, cs is all about realism isn't it.</massive fucking sarcasm>

                          p.s. you know the grunting turns you on. i know i just can't get enough of sarge's moaning either. and we all know that zero4 > fatal1ty
                          im sorry but nothing can top visor's maniac laugh.

