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CPL History

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  • CPL History

    A new article from the Cyberathelete Professional League focuses on the history, founder, and the first ever held event. This is just one of some new and upcoming articles based on the roots of the CPL.
    It's October 31, 1997 at the InfoMart in Dallas, TX. The InfoMart is a 7-story building, modeled after the Crystal Palace in London, offering over a million square feet of office space for technology companies. In a 12,000 square foot room on the ground floor and in the back of the InfoMart, a handful of game enthusiasts with a new vision have come together to set up "The Foremost Roundup of Advanced Gamers" otherwise known as "The FRAG".
    Coming this soon in June, the CPL will turn 7 years old. More importantly, today is the birthday of Angel Munoz, the founder. Therefore this article is a great way in reading up on how it all started out. Stay tuned on the 13th of March for another article, but you should first click here for this informative article.

  • #2
    Reading it now...


    • #3
      Supersonic1425 wrote..

      Reading it now...
      wow dude...way to make a 1st comment post. Next time try adding something insightful than putting up bs just so you can congradulate yourself on being a nerd.


      • #4
        DchozN thanks for posting it!



        • #5
          Read it... and looking forward for the rest. Great article. Gotta love it when someone has a vision and follows through despite the critics.


          • #6
            Gameshot911 wrote..

            wow dude...way to make a 1st comment post. Next time try adding something insightful than putting up bs just so you can congradulate yourself on being a nerd.
            Y'know, not EVERYONE is so fucking hellbent on getting the first comment. Perhaps you're just jealous because you didn't get it?

            Fuck off, kthx


            • #7
              Coming soon this June? or should it be the way it is written?

              Coming this soon in June....

              GG Super own the n00b

